This post is primarily aimed at our newer members, though I strongly urge all members to read this as it contains details of a few changes to the way the haven is run.
First of all, welcome to the Boosh Slash Haven. We have always regarded ourselves as one of the friendliest slash fandoms around and with your help, we will always remain so. This post is intended to outline the posting guidelines in the kingdom of gheydom, and tell you all you need to know about writing fanfiction for the BSH.
Firstly, while we cannot force you to do so, it is strongly advised that you have your stories read by a beta before submitting your post. A list of available betas can be found here
here. This advice applies to all members, whether old or new, first timers or prolific posters. Having a friend read over your story is not 100% safe, as there will always be some degree of bias. A beta will ensure that any grammar, spelling or characterisation errors are ironed out, and that your story is the best it can be.
Those of you who are new to Livejournal, please check out this FAQ to using LJ-cuts
here. All fanfiction must be placed behind a cut, even drabbles. It just makes the place look tidier, and a tidy home equals a happy home.
Heading up your fanfiction
Details about your fanfic can be placed in front of a cut, and must use this form.
Title: (self-explanatory. Please indicate if it is RPS, OT, etc. see guide above)
Pairing or Characters: (self-explanatory)
Summary: (a brief outline of your plot)
Word Count: (self-explanatory)
Rating: (see guidance on ratings)
Warnings: (Use this to make clear warnings if your theme contains any of the sensitive themes mentioned later in this post)
Challenge: (if written for a fic challenge):
Disclaimer: (this is basically where you beg the creator of the characters not to sue you by stating that you don’t own them and you make no profit from your story)
Author’s Notes: (anything else you want to add such as betas, thankyou’s, source references, inspirations, etc.)
Then insert your story below your heading, using a LJ cut.
Please ensure that your rating is correct, or your post may be rejected with a note to correct it. Here is a guide to ratings, devised by
accio_arse G: A twelve year old could read this story and not be offended in any way. They might not understand it, but they wouldn't be offended. No violence. No bad language. No sexual activity, either explicit or implied, although people hugging and caring for each other are okay. Very few BSH fics would ever be G, because by nature of the comm, they tend to be relationship based. Perhaps a pre-slash fluff or a comedy set in an established relationship?
PG: Swearing. Mild violence. Some mild sexual activity, e.g. a bit of snogging, or where there's sex happening but it's not explicitly described - it's in the background or tastefully faded out. Most Boosh fluff would be PG.
PG-13: Medium levels of violence. Sexwise: Heavy snogging, groping, fumbling, rubbing, and stimulation. The kind of stuff you'd start to feel a bit uncomfortable with if you were sat next to your granny and it suddenly came onto the telly, unless you and your granny made a habit of getting out some gay soft porn every Sunday and having a nice family afternoon of it.
R: Really heavy scenes of violence that probably should also be warned for separately - bloody fight scenes, torture, gore, that kind of stuff. Or pretty strong sex scenes that just stop short of actual full-on porn.
NC-17: As far as I'm aware, only explict sex scenes can get this rating. Which is wierd, because most people find violence much more shocking than sex, don't you think? But there you go. This is for fics with very explicitly described sex in them. Pr0n!
Warnings: Where applicable, please give your readers a warning about the content of your story. Themes such as violence, blood/gore, femslash, sado-masochism, self-harm and bestiality, as well as previously banned themes such as incest, rape and Mpreg are not banned from the Haven but they are not everybody’s choice of reading matter, so please be exact in your content warning and make sure your story is placed under a cut.
Moderated posting
The majority of posts here are moderated. This means there may be a slight delay before a moderator is able to approve your post, so please be patient. Eventually, once we see that your posts are consistent and satisfactory, we will place you on the approved poster list. Those of you who are on this list must not abuse this position. Your posts will be deleted and you may be banned.
This section details our policy on approving or rejecting posts. It is not the job of a moderator to reject a post if there are a couple of grammatical flaws or spelling errors. This is why it is advisable to have your work sent to a beta. However, if we find a submitted post to be abundant with mistakes or difficult to read, we will return it to you and point you in the direction of our beta list.
The same applies to characterisation. Unfortunately, none of us here are Julian Barratt or Noel Fielding. If we were, then Party would have a very different ending. We realise that nobody is going to get these characters 100% right, especially in RPS. We will rarely reject submissions based on characterisation, unless we feel that the characters in question are practically AU. Again, we will point you in the direction of the beta list to seek advice on your characters.
Giving and receiving concrit
If you submit a post to the Haven, you must be prepared to accept constructive criticism. It can be a bit daunting when you’re first posting, but everyone here is here to help you be the best you can be. Concrit is not intended as a personal attack, but rather as friendly advice. Please accept it graciously. Likewise, all members are reminded to be courteous and polite when offering constructive criticism, and reminded to take into account the poster’s feelings.
Revision to our banned themes policy
The list of banned themes here at the BSH includes: stories about MPREG (male pregnancy), non-consensual sex (e.g. rape or sexual abuse), incest and implied or actual sexual activity between adults and minors (children). We are lifting the ban on these with a few conditions. Any fanfic containing these themes MUST be posted via an external link, for example a link to or to your personal journal. Any post submitted to the Haven with these themes contained in the main body of your post will be rejected. Any fanfic containing these themes MUST display a clear warning before the link. No vague ‘this might contain a small amount of such and such’ but a clear warning so readers know what they’re letting theirselves in for. Also posts linking to fanfic containing these themes MUST be locked so that only members of this community can read them.
Not a writer? Not a problem!
Posts do not have to contain fanfiction. We also accept icon posts, fanart, fanvids, and any other multimedia providing that it involves Boosh Slash. All images must be placed behind a cut, and with a maximum of three thumbnail images in front of a cut. Embedded video links must also be placed behind a cut, with the video details in front.
Please, please, please tag your posts. Our list of tags can be found
here. This makes it easier for other members to find your fanfic, and also saves a lot of the moderators time tagging your posts for you.
Third post hurts the most.
Members are limited to two posts a day. There are over a 1000 members here, and understandably the community gets besieged with posts from time to time. Imposing this limit enables everybody to have time to read all the posts, and not miss anything. Posting more than twice a day may be considered as trolling, and may result in you being banned.
Your post must contain slash.
As this is a community dedicated to Boosh Slash, posts must contain some reference to Boosh slash, or slash involving Noel and Julian. Booshslash includes: Slash fic/vids/fanart of the characters from the radio series, the tv shows and the live tour, and Noel and Julian. Other actors/comedians/musicians RPS has to be directly related to Booshslash.
Neon/Ultra and Dee/Sue (RPS) are fine, as they are part of the Booshiverse. Rich/Dave is ok, as they are both members of the Boosh, or if you're being pedantic, at least Dave is (as photographer, choreographer, and as various characters).
Fiction about other comedy shows is classed as Off Topic if it includes neither or only one of the Boosh Boys, Noel and Julian.
i.e. Snuff Box, The IT Crowd and Asylum are all OT but acceptable.
Nathan Barley and Unnatural Acts are not Off Topic, as long as the characters written about are played by Noel and Julian.
-Posts advertising other communities will be rejected.
-Posts requesting a fanfic to be written will be rejected.
-Posts requesting prompts will be rejected.
-Posts asking for help tracking a fanfic down will be rejected.
-And any off-topic post that does not involve slash at all will be rejected.
There is a community dedicated to finding fanfic
here. If somebody sets up a request community, we will gladly advertise it here, but that is the only exception to the rule.
Have any problems or concerns? I'm not the only mod.
In future, if any of you have concerns, please contact a mod. I have noticed in the past, a few of you have only contacted me. I am the creator of this community, and I have a responsibility towards it, but I cannot be around all of the time. Please make sure you contact at least two of the mods, stating in your message who you have contacted so we can communicate between us. Posts made by members expressing their views on the running of this community will not be allowed, but a mod will make a public post if the concern is serious, and invite all opinions to be made.
I believe that this covers everything. If anything is unclear, please let me know. And if you have any other suggestions, please comment here. Normal service will resume shortly. We will have a challenge up soon, keep your eyes peeled!