Enigma Variations, Coda, 4/?: cry

Oct 09, 2013 22:31

Title: Enigma Variations, Coda, 4/?: cry
Summary: Naboo is in despair
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Length: about 870 words.
Spoilers: Howard wakes up. So does Vince
Disclaimer: these characters aren’t mine, more’s the pity, and I make no profit from writing about them
Notes: Don’t hate me *passes hankies* I will make it all right, I will, I will... I’m just not quite sure how yet!

Enigma Variations, Coda, 4/?: cry

there are some things you can’t fix, not even with magic

you stand on the terrace at the foot of the garden, staring at the sea, tears pouring down your face, cold in the soft morning breeze

the weathered wood of the terrace railing is rough and solid under your hands

even as you lean on it for support, you hate it for being so strong, it’ll still be here long after -

you make yourself think it: after vince is gone, and howard has followed him

a universe without them is unthinkable

all these years, that little thread of hope has kept you going: the hope that you would see them again

keeping you from facing the reality of your loss

helping you learn to live without your familiar (and oh, how you long for his comforting, hairy warmth right now)

and now the hope has gone, leaving only guilt that in spite of everything saboo may not be enough

you can’t bear the thought of leaving him on his own

but how can you go on living here and watching him realise that he’s failed you?

all the light and colour is gone from the day

you aren’t sure how long you’ve been standing there when you feel howard awaken, and you know it’s time, you should be there with him

summoning all your remaining strength, you pull yourself upright and turn back towards the house

as you take your first step, a scream of agony rends the air

you gasp in horror, you must be too late, too late to say goodbye

oh, vince -

then a second scream, more terrible than the first, and you’re running

you fling yourself back into the bedroom and stop dead in shock

- saboo, my heart...

he’s done it, after all

turned the clock back, given vince the time he needed

time ripped not from your life, but from saboo’s own

vince is sitting up in bed and feeling his restored thatch of grey hair with joyous amazement

- hey naboo, check this out, i’ve got me hair back, genius!

howard is beside him on the bed, crying and laughing all at once

but saboo is on his knees on the floor, clutching at his chest, his breath coming short

his pain makes you dizzy

you kneel and gather him to you, but he shakes his head - time for that later, get the vial, teaspoon - teaspoon each, and hurry -

the vial with the water of life is in the fridge in the kitchen, you’re thankful saboo insists it is always topped up

- hey - howard exclaims, as you bring it carefully back - that’s my old tartan thermos -

you smile, despite yourself: it was one more thing you couldn’t bear to throw away

- and is that what i think it is? - vince’s smile is wide and bright

- yup - you haven’t much energy for talking, and your hands shake as you pour the dose into the spoon - here you go -

- thought we wasn’t supposed to drink it? remember when we turned into babies -

- this is a special case, but don’t overdo it, i’m not changing your nappies this time - you watch him sip it cautiously, watch howard’s wide-eyed wonder as vince regresses through grizzled, plump middle-age to slim, black-haired youth, just as you remember him

- but howard - he whispers - you’re all old, i made you all old lookin’ after me -

- rubbish, we’re the same age, vince, everyone knows that -

you laugh - give it a minute, and you will be, here, get this down you

- mmm, tasty - howard hands you back the spoon, and you watch vince’s face as he sees his howard return

- naboo - a faint voice calls from down on the floor - little help here?

you kneel beside your love, bathe his face and hands with the water

he’s still breathless and weak

what can i do? - you whisper

- forgive me - his eyes are dark with a pain you don’t understand

a wave of exhaustion sweeps over you, and suddenly you’re shaking, chilled to your very bones, the darkness creeping up on you and bringing the familiar fear

no, oh no, not now

- help me -

you hear saboo sob - i can’t, little one, i can’t, not yet, you’ll have to give me an hour or two -

your heart sinks, you’re not sure you have an hour or two, the blackness is pressing at the backs of your eyes and you’re so afraid

- i can’t - saboo sobs - i can’t -

you look down at the shards of the broken cup and the strewn tealeaves

you already know what they say:


pairing: naboo/saboo, genre: h/c, fan fiction, genre: angst, rating: pg-13, pairing: howard/vince

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