Two WILDLY different pictures

Jun 12, 2010 15:18

Two very different pictures for very different reasons. One is 'cuz I like to creep people out, and I seem to be slipping back into Dr. Rockzo mode. One is to justify the slashiness of this post, and to balance out the creepy with adorableness. So a picture of Young Gregg being...Young Gregg, and a rather OOC picture of Howard and Vince being lovey dovey and doing something they'd never actually do (Well, Vince wouldn't).

Pairings: Howard/Vince, Implied past Howard/Old Gregg
Rating: PG


I doodled this up for twitter for a reason I forget. I think it was to apologize for drawing Young Gregg being eaten by a cat, in which case I don't know why I didn't include it in the last doodle-dump. Oh well. Vince doesn't strike me as the type of person to be tied down by anything. But Howard *might* be able to trick him into it if he gets a stylish enough engagement ring that Vince would never want to take off.

no fic: fanart, character: original character, rating: pg, pairing: howard/vince

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