Jul 30, 2007 20:02
Where's My Pony clustercrack series, part 1 of 3. Written for mis__shape
Corner was blowing on his nails. He'd put the final touches on the sequin boot art craft project Sue had left him with whilst she went to buy some lube for her Suenihorn, and was feeling cautiously perky. He popped a disc into the player, and started alternating between can can kicks and goosestepping, imagining a chorus line of stormtroopers in very tight pants for his next show.
Corner stopped dead, stood rigid, trying hard to look a mic stand. Where had the voice come from? There was a distant thumping. The furniture shook.
'CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP,' came the voice.
'No,' he whimperered, 'it couldn't be...not MEGA DEE!''
lol corner