I have entirely too much to write about, and very little time to write it in. You'll have to pardon the laziness of it, but I'm going to write this in mega-fast-mode.
1. Went to san francisco for the weekend and hung out with the ol donkey. Had a fantastic time. I immediately broke his camera because I'm an amazingly wonderful and caring friend. had plenty to eat and drink, took plenty of pictures and even got tattooed a bit.
Pictures can be found here,
San Francisco Which brings me to.....
2. Pretty much most all the photos I've taken have been uploaded
here. I'm a complete slave to picasa.
3. Jenny got me a Ruger 10/22 for christmas, and I've been spending some time fixin it up to be a real straight shooter. I just finished it last night and I'm taking it to the range to get it sighted in and make sure I didn't fuck anything up.
4. For valentines day, she also got me this lens I've been really looking forward to getting for my camera,
The Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8 L USM. I'm doing one or possibly two weddings this year so I'm going to have to start getting better at this photography thing pretty quickly.
All the photos taken in my San Francisco and Ventura galleries were taken with this lens.
5. I got a B in my sociology class, but I just too my first test in my Political Science class and I evidently did the best out of anyone in my Professors 6 classes he teaches. I only got a 91%. I go to school with some dumbasses.
That's all for now.