Challenge 16: Rookie

May 12, 2010 20:38

Title: Rookie
Author: the_rev
Fandom: Mint Royale (eggnogged's Fast Fuse Universe!)
Pairing: undercover!Neil/OC!Barratt who is suspiciously Jon-like
Words: 200
Rating: PG for situation
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Notes: Many thanks to eggnogged for giving us permission to play in her sandbox. This might also be a bit of practice. :D This is for you, dear, I hope it doesn't disappoint!

One of his first assignments is prozzies and he reckons, even with his buff-smooth baby face, he’ll be made for a cop the second those knowing, painted eyes settle on him. He’s thinking he’ll grow it out, dye it, but for now, even under a hat, his close neat cut is a dead giveaway.

Doesn’t matter, though. He's sure it’s somebody’s idea of a joke when he learns he’s meant to be the prozzie, not the John. He hates to admit it but, really, it suits him.

His pants are tight across his hips and the bootheels are hell after a few hours but his arse looks amazing. They don’t have to pick him up, proposition is enough, and it’s more fun than he thought. He likes being admired.

They don’t have to pick him up but when the man with curls and glasses and a lost, shifty-eyed expression asks politely if he has a moment to spare, watches the ground and clears his throat uncertainly, then stares too long at Neil’s mouth, well…

“Only a moment?” he asks.

Later, when he’s asked to explain the loss of radio contact, he’ll feign ignorance, running his tongue slowly between parted lips.

challenge 16, the_reverand

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