Challenge 16: Watched

May 10, 2010 13:34

Title: Watched
Author: the_rev
Pairing: Dan/Jones, OFC
Rating: G
Words: 200
Diclaimer: I don't own them.
Notes: for Challenge 16. Nothing that hasn't been said a zillion times, just from a different perspective.

This isn’t her first watch. The man in the bed is big and broken and unconscious. She doesn’t know why they’re bothering.

He has visitors occasionally but it isn’t until he’s awake that people stick around longer than a few minutes to stand awkwardly in the doorway and shake their heads and try not to look at her.

Mostly there’s a dark-haired kid, he comes often but seems out of place, always looking around as if he’s lost something, hand twitching at the back of his neck, rolling his foot at the ankle when he stands next to the bed, glancing slyly at her as he speaks in low tones to her charge.

She watches their hands one night, because hands harm, but these only lift from the sheets and reach out, brush against trembling fingers and take hold. She can’t hear what’s whispered when the kid leans down, but the kiss is obvious. Tears and smiles and she doesn’t look again.

After that she recommends occasional rather than constant observation. Soon they stop watching altogether.

She passes the kid in the hall days later and smiles at him before she can help herself. He smiles back broadly, without recognition.

challenge 16, the_reverand

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