Presidential Elections. Yo Mr President.

Aug 23, 2011 12:22

I spent a lot of time reading up the online articles and Straits Times to find out which Presidential Candidate do I want to cast my vote for.

I saw this article: 

"For this group of the “undecideds”, many are united on one thing - they do not want Tony Tan who is proving, with every electioneering comment that he makes, that he is totally pro-government, steeped in old-school PAP arrogance and is likely to protect and maintain the status quo if elected President.

Choosing one of the remaining three Tans is a dilemma as all three have clear flaws which have been pointed out in other commentaries and in online forums. But all three do show genuine sincerity and passion in wanting to make changes that are better for Singaporeans."

I also agree with the selection criteria for what this author does not want in our President:

  1. Someone who does not have the stature of a President to represent Singapore.

  2. Someone who makes us feel queasy when we look upon Presidential wall photos.

  3. Someone who is inarticulate and speaks broken English.

  4. Someone who does not have the morals, conviction and compassion to do what is right for Singaporeans.

  5. Someone who is bent on protecting the ruling party’s power base.

  6. Someone who does not have the guts to speak up and the stamina to stay the course for Singaporeans.

  7. Someone who lacks the EQ to understand the people and how to work with the ruling party.

  8. Someone with a questionable history of cockiness and past behavior.

There are a lot of articles who say they want a President who can unite all of us, not cause disruptions, ya da ya da ya da. So you want another Nathan who was paid so much to cut ribbons and attend President's Challenge? He is so non-confrontional that Straits Times probably had a hard time digging out what he did for the past 12years, in order to give him some coverage after he stepped down.

Just simply look at what happened after GE? We voted PAP into the majority of the cabinet - transport prices increased, Workers Party MP can't even attend his own constituency's 7th month events, PA is non-partisan?, our PAP MPs are not 'sorry' anymore, their cockiness return with a vengeance.

I am not anti-PAP. I just don't agree with their actions.

If you have time, read this article and the 2 videos. Watch for yourself how Tony Tan interupts, his long-ah-ma story which does not answer the questions and whether you can vote him in as a President.

I only have one vote. I want to make sure I vote with a conscience that this person is the right Mr President whom we want to see his and his wife's photos everywhere. See this entry:

I am choosing someone who is going to pester PAP to buck up. See here
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