May 19, 2008 07:39
I feel like I knew the city ever before I got here. It's such a special center of the entertainment industry that it seems to be in just about every other film or TV program. I didn't understand the magnitude until in the taxi cab exiting the lincoln tunnel we were driving down 38th street toward the east side, and I realized how narrow the sky looked between the buildings on either side.
I hadn't teared up about 9/11 until I visited the site. I walked around the entire site, in the rain, even taking a few pictures. Construction is happening like mad there... While waiting for the official memorial museum to open we got tea at a small shop less than a block away, passing the FDNY station right across the street, looking at the full length brass (bronze?) embossed wall plaque of the events that day...
The museum is beyond description. I read every word on the wall, looked at each and every last little item found from the site or donated for display. I did not read every single missing-persons poster, but i looked at quite a few and many photos of those gone.
BSMC was cool, too. :)