Mar 18, 2004 20:31
Wow I havn't updated in almost a month! A lot has actually happened since then. Let's see...for starters Dustin decided "he wasn't sure what he wanted." We decided to take a break, but we were having problems at my house and I ended up asking if I could come stay at his house 2 days later. I went there a bit drunk after I left a strip club and spent the night. The next day he had magically made up his mind and decided he wanted to be with me. I think it was all kinda my fault. I think I may have been moving a bit too fast for him. I care about him so much and like to talk about the future. As with most guys that scared the hell out of him. But in the end it worked out and we're back together :-) I would have been so crushed if he really wanted to end things. He means so much to me.
Dustin got his motorcycle. So last weekend I got to ride on it. Sooooo much fun!!
In other news...the night I went to the strip club I got my first lap dance. I didn't pay! A friend bought it for me. It was ehh interesting. All in all the strip club is a good time.
And in bigger sister had her baby!!!! She had a baby girl named Marissa Rose. She is beautiful. She weighed 8 pounds 1 once and was 20 inches long. She was born March 12 at 9:20 AM. March 12 was also 3 months for Dustin and I.
Also I have an interview next Thursday for 48 hour video/tanning. Seems like the job wouldn't be bad. Plus free movie rentals and hopfully a deal on tanning!
I guess I gotta get to studying...have a test in the morning. It's supposed to snow a lot tonight. I really hope it doesn't. My car is awful in the snow and I don't wanna be stuck here tomorrow night. I was hoping to go to P'burg to drink sa few beers with some friends. Sigh..hope it works out