Sep 20, 2009 17:50
According to LJ it has been over 17 weeks since i've posted anything. Today while i was waiting for the train back to school i realized it. i also realized how much i could have used it in the past few months.
it's the fourth week of school. i like my classes, my professors, my roommate, my room, my internship, my schedule, and my reading and writing assignments. we're obviously off to a good start; at this point the only thing that is making my life stressful is not having a vehicle and having to ride the train back and forth every thursday evening so that i can fulfill my 50 hours of "field experience" requirement for the teaching program. Two things have occurred because of this inconvenience:
1. i am exhausted and cranky when i get home and i have to leave before i even get a chance to spend time with anyone.
2. i have a serious limit on the amount of time that i see the boy.
After 3 month of being at home, having to return every weekend has it's negative aspects. After 3 months of not seeing the boy, having to return home every weekend is just plain old torturous. Of course our schedules are pretty much opposite: he goes to class early in the morning, while i go in the late afternoon; he has a lab at 8:10pm on tuesdays and i do most of my work that night. it's annoying. if we are lucky we see each other on average two times a week. SO NOT GOOD ENOUGH! we're lucky if it's three but that has become a rare occurrence that i jump on WHENEVER the opportunity presents itself. once again school is both getting in the way and setting up my i guess complaining is pointless. There is always next semester i suppose...