my visions....

May 19, 2010 09:24

ok before we get carried away I just want to say this is my observation........................sometimes I can place my mind back in history or to a specific place, where I can just view, what seems to me, to be a "real event" happening. It is weird but fun..when I close my eyes, not all the time, instead of sleeping and dreaming[I can tell the difference] because I am awake when I view my visions.

It is like watching a [real time] movie of an actual event. It is uncanny and I can't do it all the time, in other words I cannot "choose" when I see them. So I am either crazy or a clairvoyant or both.[lol]

Sad to say I am hooked on American Idol[blush] it is soooo materialistic...I guess I gave in to my TV candy sweet tooth[lol]...that is the only reality show I watch. I am watching all 10 episodes of the war movie/mini-series on TV about WW2 in the Pacific--it shows what REALLY happened out there or should I say [here] in Asia. Both sides Americans and Japanese or Germans or Italians or French soldiers etc.etc.........treated the enemy like they were dogs and treated them as in killing innocent civilians and even children[which they do in every war] but just don't tell us about it. Yes American soldiers DID kill innocent people and still do in all the wars. It just isn't on the Evenings News--it is kept hush-hush. Because each country make their soldiers into Heros--not Killers. That is what soldiers do "They KILL people!" That is what they are trained to do---as in the 9th episode of The Pacific some American soldiers kill some un armed people and the captain gets upset...and the soldiers holler back "That is WHY we are here isn't IT??To kill Japanese--WW@ opened a whole new era where civilians became targets, whereas before the armies fought out in the fields, hence Fire bombings of Tokyo. Fire bombings of Dresden, Germany, Both nuclear bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki--don't ever fool yourself into thinking that the USA had to drop those bombs--they were an "experiment" on how many people it could kill--if it wasn't why was the second bomb dropped on Nagasaki--a completely [different] make/type of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima?? They were testing "weapons" to kill as many people as they can,and still do it today. As do all the major countries--heaven help us if there is a WW3.
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