Mar 04, 2004 19:34
Well things are starting too look kinda good for me. Im trying to be a better person,like im not Chemically harming my body, and stuff, like I used to. um lets see, Im gonna try becoming a vegeterian again,,(3rd times a charm...) Im actually becoming pretty healthy, (except for a few minor things.
I met a girl, she is awesome, we have alot of similar likes, and dislikes. she is sweet. Like neither one of us like it when some people, who shall go nameless, "JESSIE BENNET"., wet their pants while sitting on the ground in central Park, for no reason at all. We both Love alkaline trio, we both Like Outkast., and stuff like that. I really wanna get to know this girl, she is perfect... well everything else is peachy keen Jellie beans.