Originally published at
The Mossy Skull. Please leave any
comments there.
My story “The Eater”, about the guy at the beginning of time whose job it is to taste everything and decide what will kill us and what will keep us alive, (which originally appeared in
Apex back in July),
is live today at Pseudopod!
Pseudopod, should you have been unaware, is a weekly horror fiction podcast, sister to
Escape Pod and
Podcastle, a triumvirate I have been struggling to break my way into for quite some time. I love reading fiction aloud, and hearing fiction read aloud, and “the Pods”, as they are affectionately known, are some of the best places to do that. For a reader, I am lucky enough to have netted Laurice White. I haven’t had a chance to listen yet-will do so on my ride home-but I expect it will be great.
Pink Lady’s Slipper orchid, Cypripedium acaule, mixed deciduous woods, Bull Hill, Sunderland, MA
(AKA/e.g., the replenishing pitcher flower of legend.)