What a weekend.
So from Friday at 6 PM to Saturday at around 4 AM, I was at Relay 4 Life, which, for those of you who don't know, is an event to promote cancer awareness and raise money for cancer research. I was on a team with my fraternity, and we managed to raise about $800. Then, at noon on Saturday, we left TU for OKCU to have joint initiation with another chapter. I sang my part and had to conduct for the first half, which made me incredibly nervous, and my voice was NOT where it needed to be. But everyone said it sounded pretty good and my probie class brother who is president of the OSU chapter asked me to sing it at their initiation in two weeks, so that'll be interesting, since it's the same day as Pride Prom.
When we got back, there was a non-affiliated party, but nothing went wrong, everybody was taken care of, and there was no reason to worry. (I'll explain in a bit.)
But, all together, I'm really happy and excited to have nine new brothers in our chapter.
So, as of Sunday night, The Collective, the place where I've been working since september, and where I've pretty much felt as my home, is closed.
Sunday night, we had a staff meeting where the owners explained to us that the Landlord was extremely inflexible, and basically an asshat, and that they could no longer afford to pay rent or keep the business going. They paid us a week in cash, we all did a show, and then we helped them move everything they owned out of the building.
I feel so utterly lost whenever I think about it. And I know that if I let myself, I would break down. So I've pretty much been treading water trying to keep myself from feeling the extreme loss I know will overtake me. At least until my counseling appointment on Thursday.
I put in an application with Pier 1 last night. *sigh*
Fraternity Bullshit. I'll sum it up by saying I would rather people who are going to drink underage, do it where there are brothers there who will take care of them, and keep them from doing stupid things. And it you don't make a big deal about drinking, it doesn't become a big deal for them to do it.
Yeah, and now I'm gonna go soak my soul in chocolate.