(no subject)

Sep 28, 2007 16:35

Ugh, this week is finally over!!!!

I feel so drained! Like there was this plug in me that's been pulled out and I'm just empty. I guess I'll have to "fill up" this weekend. Kind of ironic since I was a really bad boy foodwise this week. Last week, I decided to eat only half of what I would normally eat, so I was doing really well. I didn't even eat that much all weekend at the festival.

On thursday, I couldn't even eat a full dinner, on friday, I barely got mine down, and on saturday, I don't thnk I ate until, like, 11 PM. I just didn't have time. There was never a time that I was like" Okay, a lull. I can take a break for dinner." The festival was just packed! YAY US!

Anyways, I'm pretty sure I pulled something on saturday night. We decided to do our "GOYA" dance set for the last one. Basically, what that means is we did the really high energy, super long dance set that we did six years ago. I was not prepared for that. I would get about the first two steps off before I realized that I was going to have to fake my way through. And it wasn't jsut me. Some of the girls started out like they were going to be fine, but by the last song, they were puffing and dragging like I was. Thank God I didn't do the pentozale!

So by sunday, I collapsed and spent the day sleeping and eating. And the same with the rest of the week. School was a pain in the ass. I had a calc III test on monday. Luckily, I pulled uout with an 80, which qualifies as a B. I have no idea how I got that, but THANK GOD!

Also, Libby talked me into skipping my Education class (not a hard thing to do) so we could have lunch. I love her. She really brightens up my life.

Then tuesday, my diction class and voice lesson were canceld because my prof was out of town with her husband, who's grandmother had died. I was sad for them, but I still didn't mind the extra time off. Chorale went as usual. (I try really hard to get things set up right, people are douches, etc.). On wednesday, my exhaustion caught up with me and I slept through my first three calsses and got to school just in time to have lunch with Libby, Rachel and Lindsay. (I think Tim showed up about halfway through.) Man, were are jsut a bunch of Crazy music people.

Recital class was kinda fun because my history professor was telling us about his trip to europe, and I kept smiling and grinning when he was talking about places I had been. Mainly Prague, Vienna and Warsaw. Still, I almost fell asleep because he tends to drone.

My Mech Eng Graphics class was the same as usual. We reviewed for a quiz on sectional views, then someone gave a presentation on mechatronics (cool stuff) then we did a worksheet, which took me about ten minutes.

Thursday was diction and chorale. I had a headache, so I sat off the the side with Lindsay. Ironically, We're the two Choir Officers, so it looked like a board meeting anytime Dr. Childs would come over to talk to us. It really aggrivates me that the basses have major issues when Ryan and I aren't there. Damn Capella for taking all the good baritones!!!

Today we had a music history quiz at 8. UGH! Then music History, which I spent reorganizing my phone book on my palm pilot. Then my education class was canceled, so I went and hung out with Taylor, my fraternity brother. Then I had lunch with Lindsay and Tim, then I went to math and almost fell asleep.

After class, I had to go home to get my sister's birthday present so I could have them framed. I bought her two little prints of Audrey Hepbern (I appologize for my spelling mistakes.) which I'm having framed in simple black fames with pink matting. They're going to look really cool.

And now I'm at work, posting a blog. I appologize to Wolfie for not getting your birthday present out yet. Hopefully, I'll have it this weekend.

On another subject, I LOVE Fall! Seriously. It is so beautiful here in the Fall. The heat starts to abate and the wind is blowing and the leaves change! And then there's the smell. It always smells to me like there's a hint of something burning. And I don't know if that's just the dry leaves or what, but I always feel really refreshed and relaxed in the Fall! Ahhhhhhhhh! (That's the "First sip of an ice-cold Coke" response.)

greek holiday hoopla

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