Jun 24, 2005 22:29
Man I haven't posted in a while,...or read anything on LJ in a few months. Whatever. I am always being reminded of how much the 90's ruled. Think about it....backwards baseball hats, baggy pants, plad shirts over T shirts, Poly Shore, GreenDay, etc etc. Do I really have to bring anything else up?.....ok, I will, Bob Sagat HA HA HA HA......No Bob,...no.
So the pattern of summer thus far is as follows: Day 1 = stoned to the floor Day 2 = productive busy little bee. Then the pattern repeats,..yeah, its a pattern of only 2 different kinds of days. My question,...W? Whatever, its crazy shit. Sometimes I think I'm loosing my fucking mind, but then I realize that I didn't do shit senior year so it's ok that I forgot how to add and subtract...you know, as long as it makes sense I don't give a fuck.
I went to my college and registered classes and whatnot, but fuck that part. I met a lot of really cool people and I realized something about them. They were all really nice people and just had a lot of acceptance. They really didn't seem to give a fuck who anyone was, they were just there to chill with everyone else....uhm,...my disposition completely. It's gonna be more like a family cause its a small college, so it'll be nice to not have to deal with cliques I hate so much. I mean really, I can walk and talk how I want,...it can be different at times depending on my attitude but fuck you if you don't like it,..cause that's just kinda how I am, and at that moment, how I am. That's what annoyed me about high school,...no one seemed to gasp that. Everyone would be like,...uhm, ur a punk kid you can't smoke weed, or your a stoner, you can't fuckin think right! Fuckin political straight edge kids pissed me off the most, heh looking back. Wow, I didn't even notice. Rich political straight edge kids.....fuck em. They think its some fucking fact that being a stoner makes you stupid and not worth an opinion... Ahhh, but even they, were better then the imitations. Makin fun of the born unchangable attributes of a person which create an individual. Left unashamed at the unchangable, acceptance grew, confidence grew with it. Although many couldn't stand the imitations, they grew stronger as the imitators grew arrogance. I was upset because the creators of the imitations couldn't see what they were doing to themselves. Killing themselves with arrogance. An end note, acceptance is needed in order to reach harmony.....always, evey time, in every instence. Have your opinions, but there is no need to opinionize the question of acceptance leading to harmony, it is a truth.
Sieze the moment? Been said before. It's all there is if you think about it. If you think of things as such you will be able to deal better. You can't change the past,....and you can't change the future without doing something at the very moment; all the while not knowing the future. It only leaves the present. Everything else is just ridiculous. It's like Garth said, "Live in the noooowww." haha. It's always funny when someone quotes a comedy to prove a point in real life. heh, its hard to take serious....Enough philosiphyig, Now I gotta go practice what I preach,.....LIVE IN THE NOOOOOWWWwwww.....