Ok... Starting off I am just going to post one picture and then the rant will begin... I will post the rant under the cut if you just want you know... drool or totaly ignore the massive... almost sicking fan girl rant that will fallow said picture.... I am warning.. it may be funny... but it will be full fleged fan girl nonsence.
Ok... Kit Harington as Jon Snow is uber sexy... awesome YAY n stuff. But in this picture... the boots...tight jeans... the leather jacket.. I am like all OMG... I <3 Kit... now in all honesty most people would never take me for the girl to like a guy to be all gungry... tight pants.. leather jacket wearing type of girl. I tend to date more the the baggy pants, sneakers and maybe a hoddie type guy... but in all truth when I go out looking for a guy to date... I look for that look... never find it don't ask me why cuz I dress far from like a rap music girl videos but I have ended up with two wanna be rapers... that rocker guy look AWESOME LOVE LOVE LOVE <3
So this picture has now made Kit a million times hotter in my eyes... I'm having major squee moment... I had to share this before I went to bed... it was only a baby rant so it wasn't that bad...or too fan girly? LOL