The Wedding with a twist part 13
Descritpion: Will Sians baby pull through?
Rateing: 14
But yea Same as usually characters Copyright ITV/coronation Street
Well im so sorry that I haven’t updated a fic in a while ive been sooo busy with college :(
Dedicated to
mayhemzy “SOPHIE!” Sian cried as she was pushed down through the hospital in the stretcher “It hurts, Sophie it Hurts” Sian moaned as she placed her hand on her stomach in an attempt to stop the pain
“I know Sian, I know I’m here for you, for you both, your both going to be fine I swear” Sophie said reassuring not quite sure her self if this was infant going to be even true.
“Arghhh, not again!” Sian screamed as she once again wailed in pain, the tears now streaming down her face, Sophie by now was getting irritated she just wanted her girlfriend to be more comfy but no one seemed to be doing anything about it, so she took it into her own hands to make sure someone did so,
“For god sake!” Sophie growled at the doctor, who was pushing the trolley, “Are you going to do something for her, or you gonna keep pushing this like a snail, my Nan can move faster then this and she nearly 70!” Sophie groaned as she saw the doctor look at her in shock
“I’m sorry” The doctor grumbled to him self, “I’m trying my best to do everything for her” The doctor continued
“YOUR BEST, your walking like a snail I’m even surprised we got to the room!, no even trying to see if she’s okay, Not even gave her anything for this pain, or even checked if the baby is okay! IN MY books that does not class as the best! Get me different doctor NOW!” Sophie growled as she watched the doctor scurry of in another direction, and out the door
“Sophie...” Sian whispered as she cradled her stomach “Soph” Sian whispered again, as she watched the brunette lean over her, “Please tell me the baby’s okay, please” Sian whispered, tears once again forming in her eyes
“Sian” Sophie said softly “I’m not sure myself, but I swear your gonna be okay, I’ve got another doctor for you, the best, since that other one was so useless!” Sophie finished before looking up to see the new doctor standing before them
“Right” The lady said softly as she looked between the two, “What have we here” She said as she looked at her paper work, and pushed her glasses up her nose, “Right Sian?” The lady asked softly as she looked at the blonde lying helplessly on the hospital bed, “and your are?” the doctor gestured towards the brunette
“Sophie” replying to the doctor softly,
“Sister?” the doctor asked as she looked at the brunette,
“No girlfriend” Sophie responded before looking loving at Sian and taking Sians hand into her own,
“Okay right” The doctor once again said, not even battering an eye lid to what Sophie had said, “Right Sian, I’m going to place my hands on your stomach is that okay?” The doctor asked softly “And first question, have you experienced any pain at all?” As she wasnt quite sure to what she was dealing with
“Erm, Yea it was here, it would come every now and and again and when it did, it really hurt” Sian replied to the doctor
“Okay, right then I’m going to place my hands on your stomach now see if there is any other damages, and then we shall get you down to the ultrasound, to get a scan, and to see if the baby is ok” the doctor replied before placing her hands on Sians stomach moving them around to check to see if Sian reacted to her movements, which she didn’t, “Right Sian, Everything here seems ok, I think right now we need to get you down to the ultrasound to see how the baby’s Doing” She said softly as Sian merely nodded
“Is the baby ok?” Sophie asked as she looked at the doctor, who was now getting the trolley ready to move Sian down to ultrasound,
“We wont know until we get the ultrasound I’m afraid” The doctor replied before moving the trolley through the doors, Sophie following in toe
“Right Sian this gel I’m putting on your stomachs going to be cold ok?” She the doctor said as she looked at Sian, Sian nodded in response, leading the doctor to place the gel onto Sian along with the scanner
“Woah when you said it was going to be cold, I didn’t realise it was that cold” Sian chuckled as she looked over to the machine Showing the picture, Hopefully of her baby,
“So is the baby ok?” Sophie shot in,
“Right now I cant quite find anything, but it can take some time so don’t be to alarmed the doctor replied”
Sian and Sophie were now becoming worried, as it had been a good five minutes, they hope was becoming lost,
“There we are” the doctor smiled softly as she looked over to the couple
“Is, Is is that the baby” Sian said in shock
“Yea there is the little darling” The doctor smiled warmly as she watched Sophie and Sian break down in happy tears
“Its so cute” Sian smiled as she pecked Sophie on the lips
“Just like mummy” Sophie responded, “Can we get like a photo?” Sophie smiled as she looked at the doctor,
“Sure you can, and right Sian you better take it easy for the next phew days, no heavy lifting, just pure bed rest, we don’t want another scare like that do we, lets just say you got a little fighter there” the doctor smiled as she handed the happy couple the picture
“Well I can sort that out for her don’t you worry!” Sophie responded as she helped Sian off the bed
“Well make sure you do cause we don’t want another worry do we?” The doctor smiled
“Well don’t you worry, Sian is going to get plenty of bed rest!” Sophie grinned before kissing Sian gently on the lips “Both of you are” Sophie said smiling into the kiss
“Ohhh cant wait” Sian smiled back, before thanking the doctor
“Oh, by the way” Sophie said towards the doctor “What is your name?” She smiled happily
“Dawn” The doctor replied before finishing the paperwork and handing it to Sian to sigh, which she did So, “Remember plenty of rest, for the nest few days” Dawn smiled
“I will” Sian replied before taking Sophie’s hand in her own and walking towards the hospital doors
“Thank you dawn, you don’t know how much this means to us” Sophie smiled warmly before been tugged along by Sian
“Any time, its my job” Dawn replied as she watched Sophie and Sian walk out hand in hand.
Well it was shit yes! :(
Anyways next time in Wedding with a twist! How will Ryan take the news of the baby? How does Rosie react when she finds out?” and moreeeee
Anyways comments are loved x x x