Jul 18, 2005 12:52
Not much has been happening in my life lately, so i really haven't been wanting to update. If anyone even payed attention to my last post about Panda Attack!, you shouldn't have...it was a total bust, it will probably never exhist, but if it does i will update on that. This Friday i am going to go see Fishboy and Astronautalis, anyone who doesn't know who they are needs to find them and listen, they are amazing. Just to give you a little insight into Astronautalis, he's a drug addict white rapper who is anything BUT gangster, and can free style like a mad man.
Uhhh, i bought Hot Hot Heat's split with The Red Light Sting, I think everyone should go check that out, it's nothing like recent Hot Hot Heat, it's amazing, they don't have a guitarist at this point so it's really different.
I guess that's it for now.