dirty vegas: days go by

May 25, 2004 18:10

It's not just a memory. It's not just a memory.. It's not.... I miss her. It didn't hit me that i won't be seeing her for a while till after i saw the baggage handlers load her bag on the plane. Everything happened so fast too. We didn't really get that last embrace in either.

Otherwise the time we spent together was great. OK kids..here's the listing of movies Jane and i saw together:
Scooby Doo 2 - was really funny for all that we were able to see..caught it half way thru or somethin like that.
Kill Bill 2 - which wasn't all that surprising except for that part in the end where she finds out her child actually lived. pluck out that eyeball. <-watch the movie to understand that.
Godsend - pretty creepy, but then Jane did move closer on some parts. ~.^
Van Helsing - definitely not a let down. Kate Beckinsale and the whole vampire / werewolf thing is working out well so far. Keep it up.
Shrek 2 - OMG! yes folks. It's that funny. Go see it!
Troy - my personal fav. dang it's good.

Ok that's all i'm posting for now. I'll post more later when i feel like it. BLog this mother farters!

btw fart is now my new F bomb.
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