Сегодня мы получили письмо от агента Мигеля Гаярдо о том, что Мигель был удостоен Гран-при крупнейшего испанского фестиваля комиксов, который проходит в Барселоне вот уже 32 года. Ура!!
Вот несколько фраз из испанской прессы по этому поводу:
«Because of its adult and social themes, and its accurate way to address the issue of autism, “María y yo” marked a before and after in the way graphic novels are considered. The graphic novel was no longer just for kids or fans and reached a much wider audience and drew the attention of the press.»
Anna Abella, El Periódico
«Miguel Gallardo is a key figure among Spanish graphic artists and illustrators, creator of the mythical “Makoki” in the 80s and the author of the author of highly praised by critics and readers works “Un largo silencio” and “María y yo”. Last week, graphic novel professionals awarded him the Grand Prix at the International Comic Book Fair 2014 in recognition to all his career.»