"War On Christianity": The Davinci Code Update

May 04, 2006 15:57

Furor and indignation continue to mount as Christians brace for the theatrical release of the evil spawn of Ron Howard and Dan Brown: The Davinci Code. As reported on this site, last week saw the Vatican officially renounce the film. This week, Movieguide.org's founder Dr. Ted Baehr sent an open letter to Christians similarly urging a boycott of the movie.


An open letter to Christians and people of good will about the upcoming film, The Da Vinci Code

We the undersigned are on record that we will not buy movie tickets for the film, The Da Vinci Code. The director Ron Howard has promised he is being faithful to the bestselling novel as he adapts it to the big screen. That means the movie will likely be blasphemous, just as the book is.

The book is a novel but in telling its story, it makes massive claims about Jesus Christ -- that He was not divine, that He was secretly married, and that the “New Testament is false propaganda.” We recognize that while the movie may give Christians a good opportunity to talk about faith issues, millions of people -- not familiar in the least with the Gospels -- could be spiritually poisoned with “false propaganda” against Christ. This is especially true of children.

Since every movie ticket purchased is a VOTE, saying, “Yes, Hollywood, make more movies like this!,” we choose not to buy a ticket for this movie. We choose not to support the blasphemy. While recognizing this is an issue of conscience and that people of good will may differ on how to approach the film, this is how we choose to act. And we ask Christians and all people of good will to consider doing likewise.

P.S. -- If you need more information to be familiar with the story to intelligently discuss it with your parishioners or acquaintances, please seek out good information. These sites will help you: www.thetruthaboutdavinci.com and www.davinciantidote.com. Or get the Da Vinci Code White Paper at www.movieguide.org.

Dr. Ted Baehr

The Davinci Code White Paper mentioned above in the open letter really hits the mark with its scathing vitriol. The question it poses is an important one:

"In less than two months, war on Christianity will be declared. On which side of the battle line will you stand?"

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