Feb 09, 2003 22:17
Ok. So this is kind of related to the whole twins being named Jerkboxxx and Punkn'head thing (can't find link, computer freaking out), but this just happened today. And it won't be as good as a non-verbal story, but this will have to do.
I went out to eat with my girlfriend's parents today. On a side note, we hadn't decided where to go yet, even though I was kind of thinking Ruby Tuesday, but I didn't want to suggest anything, I thought I'd let them choose. Of course when we get into their car, the song on the radio.... yeah it was the Stones and I made some comment about how we should go to Ruby Tuesday right as they said it in the song. Weird. BUT TO THE REAL STORY.
Her mom works in an elementary school in Erie, PA. This is kind of an outlet mall city type area, in the far far northwest corner of Pennsylvania. And it has ghettos apparently. So the conversation somehow turned to weird names, and I said something about made up names. She says that she sees lots of weird names. There is a cute little girl, and her name is pronounced, "Shi-thee-ud." But it is spelled Shithead. SHITHEAD. Some family named their little girl SHITHEAD. I can't even fathom the amount if issues this brings up. But that is the least of it. It goes on. "Twins have them a lot. There are two twins with the names pronounced, "L-uh-mon-je-low" and "uh-ron-je-low." Try to say it. Then her wise-ass dad says, "Yeah, but they are spelled LEMONJELLO and ORANGEJELLO. LEMONJELLO. ORANGEJELLO. I really don't even know what to say. The last ones which are not as entertaining, are two kids named Oni and Oni, but one has an umlaut, so they are pronounced differently. They weren't too sure about the pronunciation.
BUT ANYWAY. Wow. It didn't hit me at the restaurant. I laughed about it a little, and was really confused, but I was kind of uncomfortable anyway, so it was weird. But I just remembered and told my roommate, and we laughed about the jello names for at least a few minutes.
the end.