yet another working vacation

Mar 31, 2007 22:59

"This is your last spring break," my friend Clark said as he tried to convince me to go to a wild trip to Morocco with him. "Don't spend it writing a paper."

Well, I did, and I'm not sorry. I've spent the past six days, off and on, concentrating mainly on writing a paper on international patent law. I have written about 24 pages and feel that I could probably go for another ten if the draft weren't due on Monday..

I also managed to have a good time. The weather was beautiful, and I enjoyed just being in LA and taking it all in, from the gritty streets of the San Fernando Valley to the winding turns of Sunset Blvd. in the Westside. I met up with a couple of friends, had Thai food in North Hollywood, went suit shopping with my mom, hiked up to the Observatory, and went out and bought the camera of my dreams. (More of this, of course, in another post.)

You know, though I've worked hard this, my 3L year, I don't think I would have it any other way. I'm not burned out -- from what I understand, burnout is not the result of working too hard, but from a combination of working too hard for too little personal reward. That is certainly not the case here.

Would I like to have spent my spring break running around a foreign country where I don't even know the language? Yes, i would. I still intend to do so after I take the bar. But for now, I am happy as things are..

Anyway, I gotta drive up tomorrow morning. Good night!

Previous law school spring breaks (Notice a pattern? It just seems to be the way I roll):
Spring Break 2006
Spring Break 2005

law_school, life

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