RP log: Faylen and Roy

Aug 23, 2008 21:21

Part two of the search for the Prince in Vinay. In the last installment Lyon, Roy and Faylen split up cause Roy's a big jerk.

Roy: *this trip did not kick off that well, he has no idea what's wrong with either of them, but has the thing that's the solution to all problems - ice cream!* Fayleeen... geez, where are you... *talking to himself as he navigates his way through the crowd, and carrying one ice cream in each hand, he makes another note to find her quick before everything melts in his hands*

Faylen: ::After storming off because Roy was such an insensitive jerk she started checking out the town, inadvertently letting everyone know how much of a jerk he was as she muttered to herself:: Can’t believe that stupid…grr ::is currently at a jewelry table poking at some of the pieces::

Roy: Aughh-- *frantically turning his head from every direction, he finally spots the little one at the jewelry table* --hhoh! *he stands up straight and prances his way behind her, peering right over her shoulder with his goofy grin* What'cha doin'~~?

Faylen: Yah! ::jumps up as she’s taken by surprise by his voice:: … ::glares at him obviously still not happy:: Shopping ::starts walking away::

Roy: *blissful* Shoppin' for what? This junk? *peers down, with all the melting ice cream in his hands, at the gold before he realizes she's walking away* He-hey, what's hurr-- wait up!! *following clumsily*

Faylen: ::ignoring him so hard she doesn’t even know he has ice cream:: it’s not junk…I think it’s cool. ::walk walk walk:: Shouldn’t ya be out helping Lyon?

Roy: *scrunches his face* Lyon won't let me... no one wants my help, not even-- aw, c'mon, will ya stop already?! *starts walking faster* Look, I come bearing gifts! Limited time only, get 'em before the sun does!

Faylen: ::stops and lets him get in front of her, still pouting:: Fine whadya wanna talk a…ya brought ice cream? ::pout starts to slip::

Roy: *gives the ice cream some sort of puzzled look* Well... it USED to be ice cream... now it's more like... melted cream. *offers her the other one* Here. ... *wonders if that should be enough to make everything cool again*

Faylen: ::takes the ice cream, debating how mad she still is:: … Did you and Lyon go out for ice cream before you came looking for me?

Roy: As if she's gonna eat when it's all Prince this, Prince that! *actually takes a big bite out of his ice cream and continues talking with his mouth full* Bu-but thatsh what I wanned to talk 'bout... *raises a finger and pauses, deciding it's better to swallow before continuing*

Faylen: Well yeah, the prince is her job and everything ::takes a bite of the ice cream, much smaller than Roy’s:: Wait…what’d ya wanna talk to me about?

Roy: *resumes talking, more quietly this time* ... She seems lonely. Detached. Kinda, outta place, y'know? *looks at Faylen and speaks with sincerity* I feel sorry for her.

Faylen: ::looks down and eats her ice cream silently:: Ya feel more than sorry for her…

Roy: What're ya sayin', Faylen? I can't feel sympathetic towards others unless there's somethin' in it for me? Hmph...

Faylen: I didn’t say nothing. ::starts walking away from the marketplace:: If you’re worried about her ya should go back.

Roy: Ya really don't understand... --Faylen! *is nervously following her anyway* C'mon, quit walkin' away like that, I'm havin' an important moment here!

Faylen: ::sits down on an out of the way bench, still staring at her ice cream and not Roy:: What don’t I understand? I’m listenin’

Roy: *he doesn't sit down yet, instead his voice only raises more* I'm tryin' to apologise, ya nitwit! Not for all the dumb things I've done lately, but an issue way bigger than.. than... THIS! *doesn't even understand the current problem at hand*

Faylen: ::Looks up at Roy hopeful and scared. Two possibilities pass through her head, in one it ends exactly how she wants it in the other he’s apologizing because he has to go be with Lyon:: Wh…What issue are ya apologizing for?

Roy: Well... um... *puts his hand on his hip as he paces back and forth, one can tell that there's some guilt in the boy* ...okay! Umm... *stops pacing* So, if ya let me finish from before, I was sayin' how I felt sorry for Lyon 'cause Prince Jerkface left without a word, right? It just made me wonder a little... *allows her to take the information in as he thinks of what to say next*

Faylen: ::watches Roy pace back and forth intently:: …. What? What did it make ya wonder? ::still hasn’t decided which outcome is more likely::

Roy: It got me thinking... *squats down in front of the sitting Faylen, to meet the level of her eyes, and because he's so active like that* Is this how you and Faylon felt? When I left to the north on the fly like that...?

Faylen: Oh… ::looks away again, ice cream forgotten:: Yeah…I guess that’s probably what it was. We didn’t know where ya went. I was worried ‘bout you…that’s why I had ta track ya down.

Roy: I'm sorry, Faylen. I didn't know.. *is genuinely apologetic* I was pretty detached myself back then, but I shouldn't have done it, the Prince shouldn't do it, and that's why I feel bad! What do they call it? Is this guilt by association, or does that mean something else? Ah, whatever... that's why I think we gotta help Lyon, yeah?

Faylen: … ::suddenly wraps around Roy in a hug:: Don’t feel guilty ‘bout none of that. I forgave ya for it a long time ago. I understand that ya wanna help Lyon…but if that’s it why didn’t ya tell me that’s what we were gonna be doing?

Roy: *wowies, trying not to drop the ice cream as he's hugged* 'Cause I was hopin' I didn't have to bring this up... but I'm glad I did now! *grins* Thanks, I really don't deserve you and your brother.

Faylen: ::not paying attention to the ice cream, and probably making a mess on Roy’s shoulder as she doesn’t drop the hug:: Ya can always tell me stuff…ya should know by now that ya should!

Roy: ... *starts to blush as people are beginning to notice* We-well, next time, don't walk awa-- alright, alright, alright, I understand! C'mon, are we gonna see her or not? ;;

Faylen: ::backs up at the mention of Lyon. Dammit, Roy always gets his way in the end:: yeah…I guess we should. But Roy, what if we don’t find the prince here? Are ya gonna go follow after her until she does?

Roy: I just want her to smile, whether we find him or not, that's all. *shrugs as he gets up and throws his melted ice cream in a bin* This ice cream tastes like crap... haa, c'mon, let's go!~

Faylen: Yeah I understand…I wanna see you smile too. So yeah, lets go and find her.

Roy: *does indeed smile... maybe he can fix this whole thing after all!*
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