so yeah i went bowling last night and then the prom crowd started showing up and i was like ha ha fuckers and then there was a bunch of the preppy fucks from south who are nice people for the most part but most deffinately not the brightest, actually they seem to be more like a black hole and suck in all the brightness so you actually get stupider when your around them, its scientifically proven. but yeah so i was sitting there and i was talking to good old katie bentfield, she showed up alitle after i did, and we were watching them and we noticed that they had a few water bottles with a clear liquid in them. ok it was water. except you dont pour juice into a half full water bottle. so then i saw this other chick come up to them, i thought she was one of their friends looked about that age range and nicely dressed, alot more atractive than the rest, but still seemed like could just be another friend. i see her smelling the bottlesand i thought she was drinking out of them. so i was like whatever. then all of a sudden all like 10 of the kids ran out.and i look over and that girl who was smelling the juice and other substance(if you didnt guess by now its vodka) was at the counter on the phone. so they got busted, maybe not intorouble busted, but only got to bowl half of what they paid for (it was midnight bowling) and they lost their alcohol. pluss they were really stupid and left the shoes. come one if you are already going to get in a shitload of trouble if you get caught just take the shoes. why didnt they take the fucking shoes. so yeah it was more than amusing.
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