Nov 05, 2004 09:18 sitting in Applied Tech right now...doing would be kind of pointless to start a module on friday and i just got done my Co2 car module. So now im bored. Im going up north this weekend and im really just gonna play video games all day when im up there and im gonna relax and forget about school for the weekend. Im excited for bowling to start. We recently had sign-ups for it and i realize that roy, carl, and trey signed up for it......they are gonna get their butts whipped at tryouts....haha. No comment on the election....lolol Ann Doyle won though which is cool and both proposals passed like a charm which is also cool. My dog isnt a puppy really anymore. Shes more like a teenpup now if that makes any sense. lol Go figure that there would still be drama going on. haha But o well not gonna get involved and im gonna stay away and have a happy time in high school with my friends. Well, i cant think of anything elose to say so im gonna get going.