Jul 13, 2007 00:27
well, today was just complete shit. i woke up, i was fine, ate, headed for football, did my shit, conditioning sucked, and i was pissed at doing bridges for 10 minutes. anyway, i come home, chill, go to the block, that was ok, except it got boring. anyway, i come home, and go on myspace. what do i see? this girl i like, who i actually told that i like, and she said she feels the same way, posting random bulletins about some fruit and how she "loves him". anyway, it just puts me in the shittiest mood, i mean, it's myspace, but still, fuck, i dont wanna know, keep it to yourself. i confront her with it and she says,"oh, he's just my really good friend" (the equivalent of me and caitlin) but everytime I bring caitlin up, she says some stupid shit about how i dont like her, i like caitlin and shit, and im getting tired of it, so i returned the favor. fuck, i really dont know what to do, and frankly, i think i should give up. i've had NOTHING but bad luck with girls this past year, its re-fucking-diculous.
and to put me into an even shittier mood, the tripod hole on my camera broke, so looks like i have some fixing to do tonight. NOT FUCKING COOL