77th Draw is an attempt to alleviate boredom [Voice/Action]

Nov 20, 2011 17:25

[It had taken a fair bit of convincing but in the end, Selphie had found herself seated on a high stool in front of the computer for the Battle Dome busily programming in something that would help her get back on her feet. An X-Potion had taken care of the worst of her injuries but it still left her ankle in a state where she couldn't put a lot of weight on it without her having to hop about on one foot which a certain pricely Lucetian who shall remain nameless wouldn't allow in the least.

When she was finished with the computer, an olympic sized swimming pool like the one in Trabia Garden had been programmed and Selphie was happily swimming some strength back into her ankle with the aid of a flutter board. It was the safest way to get some strength back into her ankle without putting any weight on it at all. Really though, it was just nice to be outside of the apartment again for a little bit. She'd never done well with just sitting still and she knew that just resting her ankle wouldn't help it at all.

Eventually though, Selphie's back in the apartment, curled up in an overstuffed easychair with her ankle propped on a foot stool to rest it for awhile. She opens her journal and rests it in her lap before breaking her communication silence as she stares out at the snow flakes that are happily dancing through the air. What she wouldn't give for a cup of hot chocolate at the moment.

She presses the voice button and greets Luceti with every ounce of cheer in her body. Yep, she's in a very good mood today for a few reasons. Two of them happen to be people by the names of Sanji and Allen so congrats lads.]

Isn't the snow lovely? Well... not if you're a New Feather but otherwise, isn't it pretty?

But anyway, that's not my point! If anybody has been wanting a swimming pool for year round use, wait no longer! I programmed one into the Battle Dome computer today and everybody's welcome to use it! There's lots of pool toys in there too so use it a lot during the winter.

Also, it's really good for helping to strengthen up an injury without having to put any weight on it and for Ami's swimming lessons as well. It really is for everyone in the village! The name of the program is Pool so it should be super mega easy to find as well.

And speaking of our New Feathers, how's everybody settling in?

bored to tears, spread a little cheer in the bubble, hurtin' unit, still cheerful, incommunicado no more, sunshine lollipops and rainbows, ow ow ow, piles of cheer, bother bother bother, stuck in bed

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