61st Draw is a plea for news [Voice/Action for those in the clinic]

Jun 15, 2011 15:13

[Selphie's starting to get restless. Of course, she knows that Malaria is deadly unless properly taken care of so she's been obedient. She falls asleep more often than staying awake still but her fever has broken. Some of the colour from the blood loss via the shift hunter bites has returned to her skin but she's still pale from being sick. She's been letting the staff draw up more blood from her than she's liked but they've commented about her being such a good sport about it.

Of course... when the next aide comes in intent on drawing another vial of blood for testing, she frowns and has to bite back a comment about telling them where to shove that butterfly needle. They've drawn blood every day that she's been there and there's only so much of that that she can stand. She moves to pull her arms out of reach to earn a stern chiding about being stubborn and eventually is talked into letting them draw more blood.

She'll reach for the book that Rydia brought her intent on reading for a bit but sleep soon claimed her for another few hours early in the morning until late in the afternoon. The staff hadn't bothered to wake her for lunch but there was a plate covered in plastic wrap that had a peeled apple on it. There was a note under the plate that said, eat this when you wake up but she wasn't particularly hungry at the moment. Her appetite may have returned but it still wasn't particularly big. Instead, she reaches for the glass of water that was beside the apple and sips at that instead. She'd the apple eventually but for now, the water was much nicer to have than to eat something when she didn't want to.

Thankfully, they've decided to let her prop one end of the bed up so she doesn't have to force herself to sit up any longer than she has to. She'll reach for the journal eventually despite being told not to use it often but she's lonely and wants someone to talk to. She isn't aware of the experiment going on either as she's been unaffected by it but for now... she wants to have some noise in her otherwise, eerily quiet room.]

Sooooo... what's going on outside of the clinic walls these days? I'd come and look for myself but well... I'm still not allowed out of bed. I just... really wanna go back to the house and sleep in my own bed. Am I even allowed to sit outside if I'm supervised? Just a little bit of time out in the sun?

Or if anybody's got any interesting little stories to tell, I could go for hearing one of those too.

[She sighs a little bit. It's hard to keep on being cheerful when she's not allowed to do anything.]

Frey, you around anywhere?

wants to go home, getting a bit lonely again, clinicbound, bored to tears

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