57th Draw = AU Special [Accidental Voice]

Apr 24, 2011 14:48

[The dream starts out plain enough. Selphie’s wandering through a large field of wildflowers. The sun is shining and there’s a gentle breeze blowing the sweet smell of flowers and petals toward her. Something about this field of flowers is familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time thanks to the Malnosso’s tampering. Small plumes of dandelion puffs take flight as she brushes past a bouquet of weeds. Regardless, she takes a few steps forward before the dream changes.

Now she’s standing in a hallway with students in school uniforms milling around her. These uniforms, like the field before her bring out a sense of familiarity as the perky brunette opts for shrugging this off. There’s no way that this is real, she’s thinking. She’s lived in Luceti her entire life, raised by loving parents. Looking down, Selphie’s wearing the same uniform as the rest of the students before she sees the faces of friends that she can’t quite put a name to the face of. She spots Irvine in the hall and stares at him in confusion when he tilts his hat to her. Zell comes next with an enthusiastic wave followed by Quistis, Squall and Rinoa.

Who are these people; she’s wondering as she steps forward again and the scene changes.

Now Selphie is being engulfed in flames as she immediately wakes up. Sitting bolt-upright in bed with a startled cry, she wraps her arms around herself protectively. What was that, she’s wondering before she slips out of bed and gets dressed. The rush of adrenaline the last fragment of her dream gave her means she won’t be getting back to sleep anytime soon. Grabbing her nunchaku, the perky brunette has slipped into her training clothes and heads for the Battle Dome to work through it in quiet. She doesn’t want to worry her family as she slips into her training boots and leaves her home quietly.

Or she’d try to anyway. In the process, she knocks open the journal as she starts talking to herself in a soft tone.]

What a weird dream...

e: au plot, !voice post, !au, something's not right, dream a dream

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