44th Draw = Check ups! [Voice/Open action]

Dec 05, 2010 22:45

[Since Selphie had returned to normal, she'd been left feeling a bit odd. Events of the past two weeks were fresh in her mind and most of those events had left her feeling a tad on the bummed side. That was what it felt like to have a family to her. She hoped that it would continue even though they were all back to their normal sizes and ages once again. If she were to be honest with herself, lacking that family atmosphere has her feeling a bit lonely but she's not about to let that on to others. If Yao were still around, she'd go see him because he'd always said she could come over and talk to him.

It was nice to have a confidant who could make a mean cup of tea. It made her think about the friends that she'd lost since she'd come back to Luceti in the spring as she hoped that they were all well wherever they were.

For now though, she'll pull on her winter gear and take a walk in hopes that the fresh air would help her figure some things out. A friendly ear might be a nice thing to have though as she kicks up bits of snow into the air. She stares at her breath in the chilly air before moving forward.

Someone's in need of some advice and maybe a hug or two.

Eventually, she finds her way into the main plaza before she plops down on the side of the snow covered fountain and opens up her journal.]

So guys. We all like different times of the year. Some like myself, like Winter. Others might like a different season instead. So, what's your favourite time of the year?

And how's everybody doing?

ceodore harvey, !voice post, freyjadour falenas, !action post

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