Okay, unpopular opinion coming up:
Okay? Okay.
As far as I'm concerned, Sylar's done. The show keeps limping on, giving him storyline after storyline, just to forceably keep him in the show. Either he's skipping alone killing people, or he's emotastic. He's the bad guy, so obviously he's mostly alone, and the amount of focus they put on him breaks the show up when it already has periods of being horribly fragmented and messy. For me, at least, the show's at its best when it's about how people live their lives with their powers, and honestly? Sylar stretches credulity, and makes it about constantly fearing for your life. The fact that he can ~*survive anything*~ makes any conflict seem kind of pointless now, and redemption doesn't work either because he's so damn whiny with it.
But he sure is crazycakes. Damn.
And... that's really all I have to say about this episode, aside from: bad Micah! Don't give serial killers ideas!
I am also really worried about next week: what if it's a double bluff with Nathan - because we think they won't do it, they surprise us by actually following through with it? And if it's Hiro... ;_; I can imagine that he might sacrifice himself to save the day, but then again, that's pretty damn obvious. And what would Ando do without him? *worries* Aside from that, Nathan and Peter get back together (honestly, you'd think that one of Petrelli Ltd would have just insisted on going with Nathan to confront Sylar, but whatever)! And Christopher Eccleston and Dana Davis are possibly going to be in it!