Vid Recs and J2 fic/podfic recs

Dec 04, 2009 21:50

It's been months since I made a vid recs post. [And what better what to proscrastinate on actually vidding than in rewatching recent faves for "inspiration"]

Vid Recs:
  • Imma Be (Leverage) by talitha78
    I have rewatched this vid approximately 13 times in the last few days (give or take a few... *g*). It's such a delightfully dancey vid with impeccable beatwork and sense of humor for my three favorite Leverage characters: Hardison, Parker and Eliot. "Hardison pwns all."

  • White and Nerdy (Psych) by talitha78
    I've only watched one or two episodes of this fandom, but you don't need familiarity with the source to appreciate how awesome this Gus-centric vid is: "Like Gus, I am a nerd of color in a society where nerdiness is frequently coded as "white." With this vid, I want to subvert that stereotype, and hopefully have some lulz along the way."

  • Holding Out for a Hero (SPN) by deirdre-c
    There seriously isn't enough flail in the world for how much the vid blows my mind. Sheer crack awesomeness and comic timing perfection. Dei is the best crack vidder I've EVER seen, hands down. "Honestly, who else could be Sam's hero?"

  • Like My Very Own (BSG) by jarrow
    How does jarrow always blow my mind like this? A searing, kinetic and gorgeous vid. And a dark and cathartic look at the father-daughter dynamic between Adama and Kara, and how messed up things were/became. WOW. "There's nothing more frakked up than family."

  • The Other Love Quadrangle (BSG) by beccatoria
    Such a hilarious and totally believable AU vid. Definitely some of the best slash vidding I've ever seen! "The womenfolk just keep runnin' off with Adama's man... (Adama/Leoben 4EVA SUCKAS)"

  • Sammy: 2029 Years (BSG) by beccatoria
    This makes me ache for Sam soooooo much. This vid has so many great visual parallels (I particularly loved Sam with his post-apocalyptic guitar vs Kara with the arrow of apollo) and gorgeous incorporation of the piano scenes: "Sam dreamed about you for 29 years before he met you. "

  • Capital G (True Blood) by bop_radar
    Wow, what a vid! Eric is such an awesome combination of politically ruthless, physically powerful and emotionally vulnerable. And Boppy does a fabulous job showing the magnetism, history and emotion between Eric and his maker.

  • Teach Your Children (SPN) by lapillus
    Intense and lovely. This vid explores the tension between heartwarming and painful in the Winchester family in all the lessons they've taught each other/learned together: "Teach your children well / feed them on your dreams." From the "All in the Family" vidshow at VividCon 2009.

  • 9 to 5 (Dolly Parton) (SPN) by ash48
    A fun, fast-paced vid with hilarious and touching lyrical interpretations. I love all the mileage fandom is getting out of the Smith & Wesson office-boys footage! "It's just another day at the office."

  • 9 to 5 (Lady Sovereign) (BSG) by yessirstarbuck
    Same title but completely different and AWESOME song. Lady Sovereign is the perfect combination of scrappy and snarky to match Kara. Lady Sov + Starbuck FTW! "Starbuck is overworked."

  • East End Boy Meets West End Girl (True Blood) by sabaceanbabe
    I love the idea, I love the beatwork, I love the snark (which do you choose a hard!Eric or soft!Bill option?), I love it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL.

  • Wrong (True Blood) by sabaceanbabe
    True Blood is sooooo pretty and dark and tragic. And there can never be too many Depeche Mode vids! One of the hardest things for me about vidding to DM is working with their strong but slower dance beat. K handled this perfectly with a brilliant combination of beatwork and fades. It was so smooth and seamless and engaging all the way through. "I was in the wrong place at the wrong time "

J2 Fic and Podfic Recs:
  • Here's Fragging You Kid by purequicksilver
    Some of the best geek!fic I've EVER read. This delightful gamer au, with the perfect amount of tension and build up to them getting together, is one of my absolute favorites of the last few months: "The Professional Gamers AU: Jensen "Frakles" Ackles' is the most successful Quake 3 gamer ever and Jared has always been his biggest fan. Now Jared has followed in the footsteps of his idol and become a professional first person shooter gamer himself - but Frakles retired from professional gaming before they could meet. Now Frakles is back and - thanks to Chad, who is working for a popular gaming show on TV - Jared finally gets the opportunity to meet the man who has been his idol since he was nineteen…"

  • Looking For Men With Kids by chash
    Everything chash writes is pretty much guaranteed to be made of win, but this one is just adorable beyond words! Makes my heart ache with all the little happy things: "In which Jensen is Jared's kid's kindergarten teacher."

  • And with my recent discovery of podfic, let me tell you how much juice817 rocks my world! She has read/recorded everything from schmoop to smut by so many of my favorite J2 authors, and she makes it sound sooooo good. I have been listening to nothing but delightful podfic for all of my workouts for the last month and it is so awesome!!!! My favorite recordings of hers so far are:
    Spin the Light to Gold by belyste
    the entire When You Care Enough To Hit Send verse! by chash (and the Anne of Green Gables verse! AND the tractor beam verse! and so many more by chash, wheeeeeee!)
    But Then My Homework Was Never Quite Like This by thenyxie
    and I've got hours and hours left on my ipod to go! podfics = <3

Now your turn! Recs for me please :)

vamp angst, girls who kick ass, j2 for me and for you, multi-fandom, plz to be having more naked eric, vid recs, anders ftw, leverage, kara-love, pimpage, spn, the winchester boys ftw, bsg, fangirling, recs, to slash or not to slash, true blood

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