TV stuffs: Glee, Warehouse 13, Supernatural, Vamp Diaries, and Bones

Sep 20, 2009 18:21

Just had a delightful day of live fangirling with sundancekid, so now it's time for the weekly recap!

Glee: I love all the musical numbers sooooo much: This Is How We Do It, Mercy, and POISON ftmfw!!!

Favorite lines this week all came from the Sandy Ryerson character: "Who is Josh Groban? Kill yourself!" and "And my only creative outlet is writing desperate housewives fanfiction"!!!!

Although "I'm going to ask you to smell your armpits. That's the smell of failure ladies!" was a close runner up.

Mainly I just loved the musical numbers. The snark is great but some of the character back stories are less than riveting (I'm particularly not interested in the Mrs Schuester right now, ugh). More singing/dancing and snarky lines! Less lame plotlines!

Speaking of awesome singing/dancing…Mercedes? fifty kerjillion times hotter than her back-up dancing anorexic cheerleaders!!! Loved it.


Warehouse 13: Tigh! on my TV again! With both eyes!

And Hogan's real life wife as the mom too. (And I recognize her from BSG too! I think she was one of the captain/judges in Baltar's trial).

Ooooh, the text-on-skin effect and the people-eating wall were crazy awesome!

I'll miss this one but I'm really glad it's coming back for another season. This show was totally my surprise hit of the summer.


Supernatural: Way to go show with having a strong second episode and not killing off any secondary characters and having honest/understated emotion, w00t!

Wow, season 5 Castiel is wayyyyy more awesome than s4. BAMF like whoa. Totally loving the whole 'I lost everything for you so shut your smart ass' attitude. And serious 'snerk' for the flatbread dialogue!

Yay for the mystery-of-the-week. Love the four horsemen storyline! (PS: thank you Kripke, for loving Good Omens as much as I do!). Loved the omens and the red mustang and the turning-people-on-each-other-ness, everything!

Oh, and start the bidding for whatever awesome (hopefully female) character they will choose to play God. I've seen a few bids on twitter for Danneel--I'd buy that! I could also see someone older and awesome, think Samantha Ferris caliber, for the role.

Speaking of, it was great seeing Jo and Ellen again too, particularly the Ellen and Dean moments. I could totally stand to see more of them.

And, aside from the gut-wrenching heartbreak of seeing the boys break up, I'm kind of looking forward to a) both of them having some individual action/story arc for an ep or two, and b) the EPIC reunion of luuuuuurve that will inevitably happen after all the angst and alienation processes.

Seriously though, how EPIC of a break up was that? With the silent sad walk away, caressing the car and the longing but resolute glances? Daaaaamn.


Vampire Diaries: the best part of this show continues to be the soundtrack. The Gossip and Dragonette you guys!!!!!

Yeah…probably not gonna keep watching this one. Despite Ian Somerhalder's overwhelming hotness (and the serious slashability of those brothers). No surprise there.


Bones: didn't realize how much I missed it until it was back!

And ooooooh, scruffy-face Booth is okay by me. He forgot that he wore goofy socks/ties, awww bb.

Brennan's snark was so ON for this ep: "If you were reinstated, why are you dressed like a furniture mover?" AND "They gave me medication, so I imagine I feel how people of average intelligence feel all the time."

But guys, all the romance is KILLING ME. Why am I such a sucker? His fucking adorable HOPEFUL face when she offered to kiss his forehead and walked off? love you Booth! And Brennan's hopeful face when Cyndi Lauper was all he-loves-you. Gah, they kill me.

In short, yay for Bones. Science + snark + romance = WIN

Ooooh, and for anyone seen who hasn't seen DBor being ADORABLE on Jimmy Fallon? watch it. "I gotta breathe this out" hahahaha!


Now I'm going to dig back into my re-read of Charles De Lint's Someplace To Be Flying--amazing urban fantasy incorporating a lot of Native American mythology, think American Gods but written long beforehand--while my download of Epitaph finishes. Need to get all caught up before Dollhouse season two starts!

vamp angst, the winchester boys ftw, fangirling, whedon-love, dollhouse, gleeeeeeeeeeeeful, episode-review, w13, bones

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