BSG 4.17 - Someone to Watch Over Me

Mar 01, 2009 22:17

Thinky thoughts about Kara, the show's mythology and other flailing over this way...


This was somewhat slow-paced for a Kara-centric episode, but that kinda makes sense given her 'otherness' and identity confusion throughout S4. They really emphasized the repetitiveness of both where the fleet is and where she is in her life with that scene at the beginning as CAG, and then they reinforced that when head!piano-man was telling her it was okay to just be lost sometimes. Being in limbo is kind of hard to watch, let alone process. But Katee can ACT THE FUCK out of anything, even bewildered/subdued/confused like Kara is right now. As always, I love my girl and I am totally along for the ride.

I really kind of love the mindfrak of having dreamt/imagined her father re-teaching/reconnecting her to The Song that ties everything together.

I guess I'm going to keep guessing Kara-as-hybrid then? And that's the Kara/Hera connection? Or is Hera still the only hybrid-by-birth and Kara is still just an unanswered anomaly who sees things and makes connections? Maybe Hera's drawing ARE stars, in addition to notes, and Kara will be able to find the way to their new home with them? Maybe her father was actually a Lord of Kobol (not a cylon) and Kara is a demigod? That would tie in with the Aurora stuff nicely :)

Also, I'm really okay with the Kara/Sam sickbay moments. I wish Sam would get to WAKE UP already, but I'm totally okay with Kara being there for several reasons: 1) loving Sam in her own way and wanting to make sure he's okay (y'all already know I multi-ship Kara because I think she DOES love both Lee and Sam--and Zak for that matter--in different, emotionally complex ways), and 2) because she thinks Sam might have answers for her and she NEEDS him to help explain her to herself. I love that she was playing her father's music for him!


I was all choked up and teary during the shared projection with Chief (I totally lost it when he found the room with 'their' kid in it). It's easy to forget how intense the Boomer/Chief romance was early on in the series because it's been so long.

But, like my poor Chiefy Chief--I WAS JUST BEING TRICKED. Not sure whether she was stealing Hera to take him back to Cavil or if it was all just to be a big 'frak you' to the humans and cylons who had screwed her over, but one way or another Roslin called it: Boomer is a master manipulator. And I just crumpled over and died a thousand angsty deaths for the Chief on that closing clip where he runs up to the dream house on Picon to find that Boomer has taken THEIR child too. He is totally frakked.

And jeez louise Athena! First having to listen/watch while Boomer fucked her husband and then the complete enraged impotence of having her child stolen (again!). Athena is deserves some pretty severe vengeance after all that.


Enough of Adama and his ship falling apart! It's quite anvillacious at this point. I understand that Galactica the ship will probably not survive the series, and that's actually a really cool idea, but I don't need Adama staring mournfully at the walls fifty gajillion times.

Where is my Lee? I would love to see some decisive/action!Lee in the next three eps :)

What is happening with Gaius and his GUNS?

It kind of got blipped over but we now have a cylon Quorom member, Sonja. WOW!

Now that we have so much backstory on Ellen and the final five, and we've seen the fallibility of Ellen as the creator of the cylon seems like there has to got to be some other, BIGGER higher power orchestrating the connectivity here. Who/what is putting the song in everyone's head and showing them visions of the opera house and pathways to planets? Is there One God, is it the Lords of Kobol--what is the next level up from the Final Five going to be in the final BSG cosmology? I am seriously on the edge of my seat about this part.

Answers would be nice! My Sam needs to wake up and explain a whole lotta shit. I can ride out the Lost-like whatthefrakkery for now but I'm going to need goooood answers soon.

And as I was telling wisteria_, I have always like the show for the character arcs AND the mythology AND the omgawesome space battles, so I'm more than happy to spend an hour snuggled up in Kara's and the Chief's worlds when I'm mostly certain that the next few episodes are going to be RDM's intense and mind-blowing series finale.

kara-love, helo is the best bff evar, oh it angsts so good, tyrol needs my hugs, bsg, fangirling, having katee's babies, episode-review

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