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nebakanezer February 7 2009, 05:55:11 UTC
Lost is entertaining right now. I find it totally random and odd that all of a sudden we are following new characters and that the old standards that I thought would always be around aren't even in all episodes. When did Miles, Daniel, Juliet and Desmond sneak in and become leads that carry episodes and I don't even mind it? I've kinda stopped over thinking it because now that they are skipping through time, all bets are off and there is absolutely no way to know what the hell is going on. I am just sitting back and being entertained (and perpetually confused). It's good to see Jin, poor boy is so confused! But I really don't buy that he was close enough to the island to go along for the ride but ok.

As for BSG, well my mind is blown, No doubt. I won't cry for you Gaaaeta. A stray bullet is a lame way to go for Sammy and makes me very unhappy. I hope he makes it. Did you not think that scene with Felix and Gaius was real? I thought it was his last rites thing. Of course all I could think about was the last time they were in a cell together and Felix tried to kill Gaius with a pen. I was thinking Chief was being Gollum :) It was so good to see Laura finally wake up and want to fight back. Kara and Lee were so badass and it was great to see Romo especially when he developed a conscious. I just saw him this week as an apparition on another show. Oh yeah, it was Leverage. Awesome! In the press pics I've seen I didn't see Sam but there were many so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him!


boom_queen February 8 2009, 17:59:35 UTC
When did Miles, Daniel, Juliet and Desmond sneak in and become leads that carry episodes and I don't even mind it?

Exactly! I still love all the older characters too, but I'm really surprised at how much I'm enjoying the newer ones right now.

I'm not trying to think to hard about 'what it all means' right now either and just enjoying the ride of craziness and awesome. Otherwise my brain might implode from trying to match up all the time details.

And yes--yay for Jin randomly popping back up!

And for BSG, I guess I'm kind of confused as to whether the convo between Gaius and Gaeta was real. The way that the shot transitioned from them talking to Gaeta in the airlock made me think it was in his head, but a lot of people read that as being real so I'm totally not sure. I'd be happier for Gaeta if that was real and he actually did get to have some kind of resolution/redemption with his mentor.

Haha for Chief being Gollum! He definitely was crouching and running around alot. That would make the FTL his 'precious'? ;p

I'm glad Laura was back in fight-mode too. I completely understand her whole 'I've fought for the human race all this time so just let me have some time to myself to die in peace' attitude, but Mary McDonnell is just so badass when she is doing the mighty ruler role.

Romo was on Leverage? A lot of people on my flist are really digging that (plus I have a carry-over crush on Christian Kane from Angel), so I think I'm going to try to start/catch up on that soon.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Sam too, although now that I've seen the Canadian promo where he's talking to Kara in the sickbay I'm pretty sure that he'll be around for at least a little longer. I'm okay with RDM killing off my favorite characters as long as their deaths are interesting and do justice to their character arc as a whole.


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