This weekend was busy with RL but I finally got to watch The Oath!
Short review: Yay for Gaeta, yay for awesome continuity and yay for much ass-kicking by my favorite fictional character of all time!
Long review: It was really amazing to see how all the build up of the last several seasons led to a point where Gaeta was bitter and disillusioned enough to want a coup, AND had the ability to effectively lie and control communication until he was in charge. He has the kind of quiet, scary strength that has been building for a looooong time, and everybody trusts him. Good choice writers!
I'm really curious about whatever secret it is that Gaius keeps holding over Gaeta's head. Maybe it was revealed in one of the later webisodes that I didn't watch? Or something to do with the cylons and the time on New Caprica? Totally speculation, so I have no clue.
I'm more than a little worried about Sam. Everyone keeps talking about how they think he's going to be the martyr in the Final Four. Granted, there's not much else going on with his arc (at least less than Tori, Tyrol and Tigh), but I'd much rather that they NOT kill off my Sam.
I loved all the small character details and continuity in this one. Like the disgraced anti-cylon officer Kelly being part of the coup, and the evil asshole rapists from the Pegasus (just as creepy and fucked-up as they were before!), and Seelix and Connor and the so many other characters who have shown themselves to be anti-cylon in small/large ways. I love it when the show pays attention to detail like that!
So, needless to say my favorite thing about the episode was my pilots kissing each other AND kicking ass together. Buddy!cop Kara and Lee (with a bit of tension) is by far and away my favorite mode for them. Even more than lovers. THEY BELONG SIDE BY SIDE KICKING ASS. Working together effortlessly because there is so much trust and strength between, because they are such competent soldiers and because they have a MOUNTAIN of love and history between them. THIS IS MY FAVORITE KIND OF PILOTS.
Some people have mentioned that they were disappointed that the kiss wasn't more romantic, but I thought it really worked in context. As
bop_radar put it: it was Kara's 'don't you remember that we're AWESOME?' message to Lee and apparently it's just what he needed to hear because after that he completely levelled up. EXACTLY. It was passionate and urgent, and it immediately physically reconnected them so that they could join the battle as a seamless fighting unit.
Another thing I love about Kara. Even when she is in the absolute pits of despair, feeling disconnected from everyone and not sure what/who she is, she can always kick lots of ass. She is amazingly capable and she doesn't second-guess herself. Warrior-goddess!Kara makes me swoon.
And I'm so excited that this has fandom all in a mega-flail!
I've been in a bit of a slump myself with Kara/Lee fic but NOW I'm really ready for some awesome pilot-pr0n to start pouring in.