My hubby turned to me after the episode was over and yelled out "get thee to the forums!"
Oh my god, my girl is just BEAUTIFUL. She is so amazingly gorgeous. Katee looked kinda stressed and scraggly and sweaty for most of 4.0, but she looked just breathtaking in this episode, especially down on the planet. I need an icon of her hair and the tall grass in the wind!
So. I'm bummed that Kara didn't get to tell Lee. I absolutely love that it was her instinct to try to talk it over with him first. They might not be on the same page romantically, but he is still her best friend. I love that.
And I think they did a good job of making Lee and Kara's individual arcs in this episode work well with other people. Leoben was a good choice to be the one exploring Kara's death/identity with her because he represents unqualified adoration but without the need for reciprocity that either Sam or Lee's presence would necessitate. Kara can be self-absorbed, in a good way, with Leoben because he doesn't ask for anything back. And that is a good person to have along with you when you discover that your body crashed on Earth and you don't know who you are. ETA: okay, nevermind. Somehow my brain just blipped over Leoben turning chickenshit and running from Kara and her corpse. My poor girl is totally alone on this one.
Similarly, though I probably won't EVER ship Lee and Dee, I think Dee was a good choice for Lee's arc this episode. For starters, it was the first time I ever really bought any chemistry between them. Dee's pep talk to Lee bolstered him in a way that few people could. And she presented that support selflessly. One of my biggest complaints about Dee was her selfishness in leaving Billy for Lee, and then in guilt-tripping/torturing Lee over his lingering feelings for Kara. This episode allowed her to completely support him when he needed it, for a little while at least.
And what a choice for the token post-Earth suicide. I'm not going to wail and beat my chest over Dee, but I think her anguish over Earth and her decision to die happy at a moment of her choosing were well done. Not to mention that Dee's death allowed my Lee to look quite quite pretty.
I got a little bored with both Adama's and Roslin's angsting, to tell the truth. Yes, it's a hard thing to be a leader. That's not really news on this show. Both the burning of the Pythian scrolls and the attempt to goad Tigh into a suicide pact were too melodramatic for me. Then again...
I thought the juxtaposition of Roslin burning her book and Kara burning her Other self looked amazing. I really wonder when/if Kara will tell anyone else. Will she just repress it, since she presumably didn't dump her problems on Lee when he was looking all broken up over Dee? She's confided in Sam in the past about some pretty heavy shit, but will she do that now? This is the part of S4.5 that I am most excited about as of now. I still love Kara more than any other character in fiction.
I really loved all the Final Four flashbacks to their lives/deaths on Earth. And I love that the 13th Colony were cylons. I want more about that too. (Also, my Anders is very tall and beautiful, y/y?)
I am so-so on the Final Cylon reveal. It worked well in the context of the episode--I liked Tigh floating out in the water and remembering/finding his past--and I'm glad I wasn't spoiled for it, but I don't really see where they're going with Ellen yet so I'm withholding judgment on that plot point for now.
Oh, and I almost forgot how adorable the Agathons were! With the goofing around and the loving each other and their kid? Made me go all melty inside.
Not much meta so far, but that's what I've got off the top of my head. What did you guys think?
Suffice it to say that I want MOAR.