SPN, SGA, BSG and other vid recs

Nov 11, 2008 13:37

I'm hard at work on my two new vids but there is SO MUCH DAMN PREP TIME in vidding for a new fandom (notes! notes! and more notes!) and I got a little disheartened today...so I took a stroll through my 'vids to watch' bookmarks tab and cheered myself up with the awesomeness of fandom/vidding/vidders in general.

Recs to share!

SPN vids:

Proofpudding Vid - Epic Love Story, from With You by Natalie Walker
Such a perfect job of capturing every moment of delight and wonder and affection and LOVE between them: "The epic love story of Sam&Dean. "

Gembat Vid - Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer
A very intense and well-crafted vid! Love the generational parallels, particularly Mary's sense of being trapped in her family/destiny and how that carries over to Dean: "A video centering around young Mary and how she started the cycle of martyrdom in the Winchester family."

Deirdre-C Vid - Be My Yoko Ono by Barenaked Ladies
Funny and perfect beat-work as always: "Sam doesn’t mind being a typical sidekick, but Dean wants… something more."

SGA vids:

Clucking Belles Vid - Stress
My new favorite SGA vid. I've rewatched this like a MILLION times. "Rodney + Stress = OTP"

Sol-Se Vid - Red Moon by Turin Brakes
A John/Ronon vid with so many great parallels drawn between their experiences/losses as soldiers, as well as drawing on the humor, chemistry and camaraderie of their relationship!

Diana Williams Vid - I Wish I Could Go Back to Atlantis (by cast of Avenue Q)
Funny and sweet gen vid. My fave bit is the 'fuck my TA' line of course! -- "The Atlantis crew are stuck back on Earth and they are far from happy about it. They dream about what it would be like to be back on Atlantis, and do their best to get back. Basically set about the time of "The Return", with no spoilers after that episode."

Wistful_fever Vid - Four Years
The lyrics are actually kind of sad but the vid is very upbeat and schmoopy. Put on your slash-goggles! "Four years of John loving Rodney. Rodney is a) oblivious, b) deliberately ignorant, or c) not as smart as he likes to think he is. Mckay/Sheppard. John POV."

BSG - Kara/Sam vids:

Nicole-Anell Vid - Electrical Storm by U2
A visually lush and achey vid about how Sam was made for Kara. Really amazing editing and narrative in this one.

Sabaceanbabe Vid - Blue On Black by Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Slow, gorgeous and emotional--pure awesomeness. "Kara Thrace and Sam Anders from Sam's POV."

Other BSG and misc vids:

Canadiangirl_86 Vid - Liar by Neverending White Lights
An angsty and beautiful vid about Adama/Roslin, Lee/Kara, Baltar, and the Final Four: "I'm a liar just like you and that's okay"

Jarrow Vid - Paul McCartney
Another hilarious vid from one of my all-time favorite vidders! I seriously cannot pimp him enough. And this vid is so adorable and dance-able! "It's the music that connects me to you."

gays in space:sga, spn, pimpage, the winchester boys ftw, bsg, fangirling, having katee's babies, to slash or not to slash, vid recs, anders ftw, cylons in need of sexing

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