Duped again. Cuz I'm a sucker like that.

Sep 04, 2008 12:55

I've succumbed to yet another form of fancrack...Stargate Atlantis.

That's right Gays in Space finally made an appearance on my screen and now I am marathoning season 1 and drooling over my new teevee boyfriends Joe Flanigan (I've always known he was cute, but seriously that smirking just kills me dead) and David Hewlett (Rodney McKay is the secret nerdy teddy bear twin of my beloved Chief Tyrol fyi). Haven't even gotten to the stuff with hottass Momoa yet and I'm already hooked.

Not just pretty faces either and cheesy special effects either, because the show actually has some good writing sometimes. The episode that actually clinched it for me was Childhood's End. Dystopian young adult cultures FTW! It was like Mad Max + Logan's Run + Lowry's "The Giver, and I totally loved every cracktastic second of it.

So for those of you who have been playing in/around SGA fandom for a while, help a fangirl out? Picspam me with your favorite JFlan or DHew pics? Rec me some good non-spoilery fic or some shiny vids? Tell me where the cool kids hang out?

[ginormous hat-tip to sundancekid for facilitating my SGA marathon and being such an awesome fangirl in general :D ]

tv boyfriends/girlfriends, gays in space:sga, fangirling

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