More insta-reccage, this time for Boppy the Magnificent, and some linkspam

May 20, 2008 22:10

I'm just bursting with flist love and admiration right now, because y'all are kicking some serious ass I have to say.

bop_radar just made the most gorgeous and nuanced Lex Luthor vid to Paranoid Android by Radiohead.

It's complex. It's intense. It's BEAUTIFUL. And it may be one of the best damn vids I've ever ever seen.

Other fandom joys of late:

It is worth mentioning the awesome multi-fandom vid by giandujakiss to Squeeze's Hourglass. It's all about time loops in different shows, including Buffy, SPN and SG, and it strikes a marvelous balance between humorous and poignant.

I also cracked up hard at 1) this v v serious picspam essay on intertextuality in Supernatural; 2) QoT's hilarious crack!fic RumpelGaeta; and 3) millari's Gaius and Gaeta epistolary catfight.

Also? My appetite for J2 AU is apparently boundless right now. Here be more recs than you can shake a stick at.

vid recs, spn, j2 for me and for you, bsg, sville, recs

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