Music love and BSG - Faith recap

May 11, 2008 23:06

Not such a big fan of working both Fridays and Saturdays these days. I keep being several days behind everyone else on watching/posting/commenting. Don't worry, I'll catch up eventually ;)

Seven Songs:

Tagged by dayln03 and canadiangirl_86

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now, shaping your spring.
- Post these instructions in your LJ along with your 7 songs.
- Then tag 7 other people to see what they're listening to.

1. Dirty Hole by V.A.S.T. (listen here)
This song is (hopefully) going to be my first non-BSG vid. I have this really complex and gorgeous and nuanced idea for a Sam and Dean vid about death and losing family/themselves/each other to the grave, but I'm really terrified that I don't have the technical or creative skills to put that idea into vid form yet. So I listen to it over and over again, dreaming of the vid that may one day come.
And I love everything on V.A.S.T.'s first album. Why can't all their albums be that good!?!

2. Bonafied Lovin by Chromeo (listen/watch here)
Another vid idea in the making. Pretty sure this one will actually happen. It will be both Sam and Lee talking smack out each and positing themselves as the 'right' one for Kara. In other words, ANOTHER cracksmutsilly vid from me. Go figure.
Plus I love Chromeo's whole neo-80s synth-heavy sound. They are so damn fun. Totally nerdy and adorkable!

3. Meet your Master (The Faint remix) by NIN (listen/watch here)
I wasn't really loving the original of this on Year Zero, but this remix by one of my favorite other dark electro-synth pop bands is just perfect. Love it. And stop smirking. I know my former-Goth-ness is showing.

4. E Uma Partida de Futbol by Skank (listen/watch here)
So it's in Portuguese. Everyone should listen to it anyway. It's all about fandom REALLY. Okay, so technically it's all about being a die-hard soccer fan and just loving your team and your players so much that you are unreasonably emotionally involved in everything they do. But really it's secretly about being a fangirl, I have decided.
And I may or may not have some vid bunny delusions about making a vid about everyone in CIC/marines/crew on Galactica fangirling the pilots as they kick ass in battle, but it's just too crackish and out there to ever actually make. AGAIN: I can always dream :)
Plus, dancey Brazilian pop with a funky ska flavor is AWESOME.

5. Your Touch by Black Keys (listen here)
Usually Mr. BQ is the one who is all over the dirty blues rock thing but I am totally loving this band.

6. everything by She & Him (listen/watch here)
I'm in love with the entire album. It's like Patsy Cline and Leslie Gore had little indie babies. Deschanel FTW!

7. Truth Is by Brother Ali (listen here)
This is totally my 'fuck you I won't do what you tell me' riff for this spring. Whenever I'm grumpy or frustrated, I put on this song and holler out: "I want more, gimme more, I want more goddamit and I'm back to demand it!"

So that's my seven. I think most of my flist has already done this meme but if you haven't, then please do! I'd love to see/hear what everyone else is listening to.

And I'll happily upload any/all of these songs if anyone would like them :D

BSG - Faith:
Probably my fave of the season so far. Definitely had me emotionally engaged in EVERY SCENE and every character arc: Kara, Sam, Athena, Gaeta, Helo, Barolay, the Sixes--I actually cared about all of them. Dudes.

Yay for Kara being less crazycakes! She acknowledged her mistake in trying to take the whole Demetrius crew and proposed just taking a small recon group instead. And she totally went into brilliant logical mode when she was taking care of Gaeta's wound.

[Lit-nerd tangent: was I the only one who thought of Persuasion and was like 'Kara's just like Anne Elliot--she's the only one calm/collected/smart enough to take care of the wounded when everyone else is just flailing'?]

How awesome was Barolay for being the ultimate Kara-fangirl! "You've been kicking ass since day one." And then the emotion on all sides when that Six killed her. Whoa.

HUGE HUGE love to Sam for always being the first to sign up for Kara's crazy stunts. And I know that it's mixed love/protectiveness for Kara and fearful self-preservation because the poor boy is always always going to be waiting for the other shoe to drop right now--for someone to recognize him as one of the FF and kill/attack/out him. But I love him for both sides of that equation, so it's all good by me :)

Also? I LOVED Sam being so curious about the data stream and almost putting his hand in. Would have absolutely been fascinated to see what would happen but the suspense of not knowing is probably better. And then his inner battle between cylon-sympathy and human-protection, complete with callbacks to losing his comrades in the resistance. So much inner turmoil! *loves on my hot hot conflicted Sammy*

Favorite funny Sam moment? When he realized the others were all interpreting the hybrid's method to mean that the Final Four would/will know the way to Earth. "I'm supposed to know WHAT?" said his face. PRICELESS.

I'm still processing all the info we got from the hybrid. THANK GOD she mentioned the opera house. I was just commenting to wisteria_ the other day that we'd seen no follow-thru on that major part of last season's finale. And more about Kara being the harbinger of death, which I don't really understand but I'll roll with it for now and hope that the writers have something awesome planned. Interesting about the D'anna's outing the FF, and the FF being from Earth and/or knowing the way there. Hidden programming, or maybe only the final unknown One knows the way? Hmmm...

And Roslin was back to kicking ass and tearing out my soul. Total pwnage.

So I'm sure the Admiral will be okay-ish when Kara comes home with a wounded cylon basestar. He'll be more likely to understand the necessity and the utility of a brief alliance to find the Final Four and by extension find Earth. But how the hell is the rest of the fleet going to react? I'm imagining some severe freaking out.

Also, the preview? I've been waiting for the Hera the hybrid pay-off FOR SO LONG. Can't wait.

kara-love, anders ftw, music, vid bunnies, lit, bsg, meme

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