bsg 4.05 recappery

May 04, 2008 00:00

Top 11 shallow thoughts while watching this ep:

Because apparently I need to squee about the hotness before I can gather my thoughts properly...

11. Gaeta is my current king of snark! And awesome sweaty curly hair.

10. Where's my Lee? I'd rather have some overly talky pilotician action than no Lee at all.

9. So many great one-liners! "singular moment of clarity" and "there are some sins that even your imaginary god cannot forgive" and "anaesthetizing yourself with ambrosia and affairs" and "an angel blazing with the light of god".

8. Hybrid/Leoben is canon now! dionusia is amazingly prescient as ever.

7. Can I hug Helo too? That Pike(?) kid goaded him like crazy into that smackdown. And he just wants to keep the peace! Is it terrible that I love seeing him driven to things he would normally never do? He wants to obey the rules and maintain Kara's friendship so bad but he can't justify it! Big fat callbacks to his moments of anguished self-righteosness in S3 where he saved the poisoned cylons from wiping out their own race and when he fought for the underdogs in dogsville? HUGGGGGGGGS.

6. CKR needs to stop mumbling his goddamn lines--I had to rewind like fifty times because of him. I almost didn't catch his hilarious Kara/Anders shipper moment: "I can see why she's so fond of you" FTW!!!

5. Damn. Kara's eulogy speech was awesome. And tough. And hot.

4. An alliance! 'marry into a cloakroom, and form an alliance with a parcel' [bonus nerd points for name-that-quote]

3. My poor Chief shaved his head! He looks all rugged and broken--a little bit scary and much less teddy-bear like. Never fear: the United F.R.A.C. Front is ready with hugs. Someone needs to make some us Fangirls for Recently Activated Cylons icons soon...for serious

2. I got my Kara/Leoben/Sam sandwich--even if it was only briefly and there were mainly fists and yelling involved (rather than sweaty jealous!sex...)

1. Sweaty pissed off Anders is just about the most fabulously hot thing ever in the history of hot. And there was sooooooo much of sweaty pissed off Anders in this ep! There may have to be picspams of this later...

Slightly more coherent thoughts?
The Kara/Leoben interaction:
The painting 2.0 was hot. Right down to the hand on the waist all possessive-like. I'm almost glad there wasn't any sex this time around, but the charged and creepy energy between them was just awesome and perfect.
And I totally loved the scene later in the brig where she beat his ass and he wore down her defenses once again. Such a frakked up cycle and yet so AWESOME. daybreak777 called it the 'same old cat and mouse' between them, and I agree but it worked for me.

The Leoben/Anders interaction:
That jealousy and confusion as he pulled Leoben away from Kara were awesome. I totally see him wanted to protect Kara from whatever thrall he perceives Leoben as being able to put over on her.
And the smackdown later was YEARS of anger and payback: for New Caprica, for Maelstrom, for Sam's own cylonity. So awesome and so layered.
But all the things Leoben says--they aren't because he knows Sam is a cylon. He's just damn good at pushing people's buttons. He knows the things to say about Kara and Sam's past as a pyramid player and his potential for a bigger role in the fleet's future that will totally mess with Sam's head and make him wonder what Leoben knows.

What on earth is happening to my girl?
I loved that my girl got so much more screen time. And it's a fascinating combination of cocksure leadership strength and panicked schizo fear that she's working right now.
But the fact that she IS so different, that she's so lost and ungrounded, makes her so much harder to follow as my POV character. I can't put myself in her head like I normally can because she doesn't know what's going on in her head. It's disorienting!
I understand that she's NOT the same Kara who relied on fighting and booze and sex to make sense of things, but they haven't really shown us what she's become INSTEAD either. And I find myself going back and forth between missing Kara-the-brash-and-ballsy and puzzling over Kara-the-confused-prophetess.
I think wisteria_'s right: it's detachment that I'm feeling. And when I'm used to BURNING WITH OMG!UNDYING PASSION for Kara, it's really weird to feel curious but detached instead.
*misses my girl*

What the show really needs right now

Well, according to the Mr., our bsg is suffering from a lack of space-battles and robot scuffles. Good old fashioned pilots and us vs. them-ness. Maybe a one-off stand-alone episode or two where we could really just enjoy ourselves in the moment, instead of flailing around in ten different interweaving plotlines and wondering where the hell we're all being led.

I would be down for a one-shot. Another 33, or Hand of God, or Flight, or Unfinished Business. One of those that does tie in with bigger story arcs but you can also just sit down and enjoy it for it's own sake. I have a feeling that we won't be getting many of those in S4 and that makes me kind of sad. I like bsg for the Big Ideas too, but sometimes I just want some fun.

ETA: Number of times I used the word awesome in this relatively brief post = 7.


episode-review, anders ftw, cylons in need of sexing, nostalgia, bsg

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