Okay, I'm still working on my Best of 2007 Fic-Rec post (it's gonna be huge y'all), but I have a flist favor to ask in the meantime:
*bats eyelashes*
So, I've recently discovered a great love for genderswap. Granted, I'm a bit picky so it needs to be GOOD genderswap. But there are several slash fandoms that I dabble in (particularly my love of Clex and SPN/J2) and I'm sure that some of my flisters who have read more broadly/deeply in those fandoms can rec me some stellar genderswap, yes?
bop_radar? Any recs for me? I'm happy to read other fandoms too if they're really well-written!
Oh, and I think I might die a thousand deaths of fandom love if some wrote me some Anders/Lee genderswap...in fact, my brain just broke thinking about it.