Suffering from an abundance of Katee-love

Oct 13, 2007 16:14

First, I have to make a confession: I may have prematurely misjudged Bionic Woman.

This is not to say that I think it is a GREAT show. But it's a lot better when I actually watch the entire episode instead of just watching Katee scenes. For one thing, Katee's scenes make a lot more sense...and I am just generally happier with it than before.

Plus, the amazing caps of episode three that latteaddict posted yesterday may have helped my erm...'opinion'. Hottest pics ever? Quite possibly.

Mini-picspam of a few of my fave caps

[credit for all screencaps goes to latteaddict]
So...yeah. HOTNESS.

And now, having fessed up to my capricious change of mind: I come bearing Katee prezzies. The Mr and I went to the bookstore today, which amongst the many books and magazines purchased, resulted in the acquisition of "Geek Monthly" 'cuz my girl was on the cover.

Scans of the pics, and a few icons I made (though y'all are welcome to make your own from the scans instead):

[click on the pics for the bigger version]

The cover of the magazine

Katee's pic in the table of contents

First page of the article

Second page of the article

Third page of the article

Fourth page of the article

Double-page spread of my gorgeous girl

And some icons:

[snag away just credit me for the scans and/or the icons if you don't mind *g*]

I keep thinking this girlcrush is going to die down to something reasonable one of these days but then she just keeps kicking ass and looking like a goddess and...I'm hooked.

Cross-posted to katee_daily.

katee, bionic woman, icons, fangirling, picspam

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