Fine, then I just want to be friends. Plus a little extra. And I love you.

Oct 07, 2007 21:08

The crack!fic rec list has been updated! Dude, I can't believe how prolific and awesome BSG fandom is. I got mad love for all y'all. *HUGS*

My favorites of the moment? jennyo's Everyone-on-New-Caprica-gets-syphillis one, a whole slew of new-to-me fics by cannibalcake and the Roller Derby of Doom.

And I've finally caught up on the first week or two of the teeveez. So there are spoilers and stuff behind the cut.

Returning champs and new winners:

This is the true dark horse contender of the season so far. I recorded this one on a whim, and the hubby and I just about died of hilarity and nerdish delight while watching (especially since S used to be a PC technician at Best Buy once upon a time, though he was never a spy that I am aware of...). Chuck is equal parts Jim Halpert and Jimmy Fallon with a hint of Tim Curry--I absolutely adore him. And Adam Baldwin is fabulous as always. This one is a keeper so far.

The Office
OMG!DWIGHT. Seriously. I love Dwight beyond reason. And as much as I adore the satisfaction of getting to see Jim/Pam finally in action, I totally <3 Dwight the most. On the whole, I'm really happy with the new season so far: just as many cringingly awkward moments and hilarious one-liners as I've come to expect. yay!

This is one of the prettiest damn shows on the planet. And I am sooooooo glad that they finally have the special effects budget they deserve because Bizarro and Supergirl and Clark all deserve the lush visual representation they're getting on this show. And as a bonus, I have my very own live fanboy commentary from the Mr (who is only too happy to tell about the obscure city on Krypton that Kara refers to, or the secret fannish double-entrendes and references to comic lore that I might not get otherwise).
As of right now: I thought Lex's underwater scene was gorgeous. I loved Bizarro Clark hitting on Lois (really I love any excuse to have TW smirk and swagger like that: bring on the Red K Clark!). I want to know more about Chloe's magical regeneration/resurrection skillz! I'm bordering on being charmed/annoyed by the actress playing Supergirl. I like Lois more and more with each season. And I wish to god that Lana had just stayed fucking dead. For reals.

It's weird watching the show in real time after my marathon this summer. I'm feeling a teeny bit let down because I want MORE like RFN, but I'm trying to be patient. Must remind myself that the mysteries will continue to be fun and the boys will continue to be damn pretty, even if it's just once a week...

Razor Flashbacks
Have to admit I was a little squicked by Adama the supah-lovah (because I am resolutely not thinking about Bill saying something post-coitus that he has said numerous times to Kara in a fatherly and/or military context, and I am also resolutely not thinking about his attraction to yet another loud-mouthed, blond, hot-shot pilot...), and I was not particularly charmed by either actor. I had to giggle when the blond said "aboot". Canadian pilots FTW!
So. When I replay the scene in my head I'll just be smashing Kara and Lee's faces over theirs and imagining a fun mid-season-1 piloty bunk room frolick. *nods*

I loved Booth's spastic touchy-feelyness while trying to reconnect with Brennan. And the mysteries are just as fun as always. Hodgins/Angela are le awesome. That is all.

Maybes and when-I-have-time shows:

I'm all about Hiro. And I'm intrigued about the new super-kids and Peter's amnesia. I can't wait to see Kristen Bell in episode #5! But I still don't love this show as much as I feel like I should. I feel like a bad sci-fi/superhero fan every time I admit that...

Pushing Daisies.
It was damn pretty. And it was pretty funny too. Definitely a bit of an Amelie knock-off, though not in a bad way. But I'm just not as drawn to it as some of the other new ones...

I love the chubby side-kick! And Ray Wise as the devil is just awesome. I'm so-so on the lead guy, but Sock is in almost every scene so I'm hanging around for now.

Bionic Woman
I have to admit I haven't been able to watch all the way through any of the eps so far. I've either downloaded the Katee scenes or just fast-forwarded to them on my dvr. And DAMN but my girl is still just as fine and smoking hot as ever. But I'm not feeling the show as a whole. Which is sad cuz I want Katee to be super successful and all. Why can't she be THE bionic woman?!?

So, that's my recap.

Anyone that feels like posting LOLmacros of the aforementioned shows in the comments will get major love from me and possibly become my new hero. You can use the ROFLbot to create them...

*nudges sneakily*

bionic woman, heroes, spn, rec's, the office, multi-fandom, bsg, fangirling, sville, reaper, pushing daisies, bones, chuck

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