Meme-age like whoa...

Jul 25, 2007 19:13

cuz I'm not far enough in HP7 to start talking about that yet...

As tagged by amaleka_crone :

1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.

I tag alissabobissa , becisvolative, canadiangirl_86 , lunar47 , i_am_girlfriday , supershineygirl , and spinkkitty .

My seven habits/quirks/facts...
1. I love painting other people's toenails.
2. Peanut butter is the only man-made/processed food I CANNOT live without.
3. I speak Portuguese (and some Spanish) from living in Brazil and the Dominican Republic when I was little.
4. I only have one more semester of grad school left--wheeeeeeeeee!
5. My family and I have an entire language/idiom of remembered movie quotes/lit-phrases/music-lyrics/in-jokes that consistently bewilders my darling hubby.
6. I'm terrible with names but I have a great memory for placing random actors in bit parts from different movies/shows I've seen (which makes me the QUEEN of the Kevin Bacon game *g*).
7. I was totally goth in grade-school and I still have major guilty-pleasure love for 80s/90s-era goth/industrial music.


And as tagged by lunar47 (I didn't forget, A! I promise *g*):
The rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

And my questions from lunie:
1.) BSG is unexpectedly canceled with no 4th season. As a fan how do you convince the network executives to keep the show?
Ummm...hire ninjas to steal all of RDM's smokes and scotch?
OR organize a protest march at skiffy headquarters (each fangirl could specify which aspect of the show was most worth preserving in her opinion. example picket slogans might include: Bring Back the Bamceps!, or Tight's Thighs Today!...)

2.) What fandom character would you dress as at a convention.
When I was younger I would have totally said Princess Leia...but I spent my entire childhood in funky costumes because my parents play in the Society for Creative Anachronism so I'm low on fannish costume ideas.

Maybe Tara from BtVS in her gorgeous corset dress from Once More With Feeling?

3.) Do you live with someone? If so, who?
Yup. Live with my hubby, our two Aussie Shepherd dogs (Ziggy and Tula) and our humongous grey tabby cat (Lilith).

4.) Where are you most at peace?
Hiking/walking in the woods. Or floating in water.

5.) If you could meet any famous person alive or dead who would it be?
I'm actually pretty shy with famous people; I'd much rather see them from afar and not worry about spazzing out in front of them. I hear Katee is really sweet in person though, so probably her.

Tag! Y'all are it :)

PS: Sylia posted some GORGEOUS caps from Bionic Woman. And I am now consumed by lust/awe/delight.

random, meme, fangirling

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