BSG Crackpoetry: "Kara", a spoof on "Tyger" by William Blake

May 02, 2007 21:38

Schoolwork be damned, I'm posting some crack!

Here is the whole shebang. The original poem by Blake can be found here. A million thank-you's and Leemo-crack-kisses for dionusia for inspiring this and for helping with several of the stickier lines.

"Kara, the Tyger"

Kara! Kara! burning bright
On New Caprica this night,
What beloved's kiss or sigh
Could tame thy fearless pilot-ry?

In what heated arms or thighs
Burnt the fire of Lee's cries?
In what joy dare he sing out?
Or call for you to join his shout?

And what anguish, & what art.
Could twist the trust within thy heart?
And when thy heart began to wake,
What dread flight? & what escape?

Why tattoo-ed? gone insane?
Out the airlock was thy brain?
Why with Anders? what dread fear
Kept you from a love so dear?

When Cottle came to give grave news
To find meds or your Sam to lose
Did Lee smile your plight to see?
Did he who bore his heart to thee?

Kara! Kara! burning bright
In the lonely camp this night,
What hasty marriage to some guy
Dare tame thy fearless pilot-ry?

ETA: Cross-posted to bsg2003fics and beyond_insane.

pilot-love, kara-love, crackpoetry, bsg

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